= Control Framework Working Group Agenda = A number of projects have been progressing under the umbrella of the CFWG. At this meeting, we will host discussions about a number of these projects. A representative from each project will give a report on the status of the project, followed by (or interspersed with) interaction from the WG attendees. * Introduction (Robert Ricci, CFWG co-chair) * SFA v2.0 (Larry Peterson, Princeton, and Max Ott, NICTA) The control framework projects, along with other key GENI, have been collaborating on a draft of the "SFA 2.0" (Slice-based Federation Architecture) document. A draft of this document will be presented to get feedback from the larger working group, and it is expected that a revision of it will be put before the working group for consideration for adopting it as an official WG document. * Resource Representation Workshops (Ilia Baladine, RENCI) Workshops about resource representation have been held in conjunction with GEC7 and GEC8; this talk will report on the highlights of those workshops. * GENI AM API (Tom Mitchell, GPO) An effort is underway to provide a unified Aggregate Manager API that is common across multiple control frameworks. An initial version of this API is available, along with implementations in the PlanetLab and ProtoGENI CFs. * Shibboleth (Ken Klingenstein, Internet2) An initial integration of the Shibboleth project into the ORCA control framework allows ORCA to use Shibboleth identity providers; this system will demonstrated, and its implications for CF architecture will be discussed.