Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of GENIRacksHome

08/07/13 15:23:08 (11 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome

    v43 v44  
    154154 '''[#GENIStarterRacks Starter Racks]''': No longer deployed by the GPO, this project delivered an early low-end solution for GENI Racks.
    156 The Starter Racks project was an effort to get [ US Ignite] cities connected to the GENI Network to facilitate experimental network and compute research, and city application development. The Starter Racks jump started the delivery of fully integrated network and compute resources to selected sites. During this period, the Starter racks did not deliver GENI software features such as an Aggregate Manager. In any case, it was possible to use a starter rack as a Meso-scale !OpenFlow Site, but required GPO Infrastructure support for implementation. Furthermore, details were provided in the [#GetYourOwnGENIRack section] below to build your own Starter rack.
     156The Starter Racks project was an effort to get [ US Ignite] cities connected to the GENI Network to facilitate experimental network and compute research, and city application development. The Starter Racks jump started the delivery of fully integrated network and compute resources to selected sites. During this period, the Starter racks did not deliver GENI software features such as an Aggregate Manager. In any case, it was possible to use a Starter Rack as a Meso-scale !OpenFlow Site, but required GPO Infrastructure support for implementation. Furthermore, details were provided in the [#GetYourOwnGENIRack section] below to build your own Starter Rack.
    158158== Starter Racks Components ==
    160 A Starter rack delivered software and hardware components that enabled a site to be a GENI site. Each GENI Starter Rack delivered the following types of systems:
     160A Starter Rack delivered software and hardware components that enabled a site to be a GENI site. Each GENI Starter Rack delivered the following types of systems:
    162162 * Router - Cisco IOS router is delivered to set up standard routed IP to the local network provider.
    194194== Starter Racks  Monitoring ==
    195 Starter Racks met the following [wiki:GeniRacks#D.MonitoringRequirements monitoring requirements]. Monitoring data for the 3 deployed Starter Racks, GPO, Chattanooga and Cleveland was available at the [ GPOLab Monitor] portal, where the user selected a location and received monitoring detail for ''System load'', ''CPU load'', ''Memory usage'', and ''Network usage''. In addition, ''Services Health'' was monitored on each of the GENI Starter Racks and alert notifications were available upon request. Access to the ''Service Health'' details was provided via the [ Service Status Details] page for all Starter rack sites.
    197 == Starter rack Site Requirements ==
    198 Starter racks contained the following site requirements:
     195Starter Racks met the following [wiki:GeniRacks#D.MonitoringRequirements monitoring requirements]. Monitoring data for the 3 deployed Starter Racks, GPO, Chattanooga and Cleveland was available at the [ GPOLab Monitor] portal, where the user selected a location and received monitoring detail for ''System load'', ''CPU load'', ''Memory usage'', and ''Network usage''. In addition, ''Services Health'' was monitored on each of the GENI Starter Racks and alert notifications were available upon request. Access to the ''Service Health'' details was provided via the [ Service Status Details] page for all Starter Rack sites.
     197== Starter Rack Site Requirements ==
     198Starter Racks contained the following site requirements:
    199199 * Network Setup - Define how the rack will connect to the Internet and to the GENI backbones. Ex Regional connections, connection speed, VLANs to be used, etc.
    200200 * Site Security Requirements- Determine changes required for rack connectivity, such as FV rules, IP filters, etc.