
Version 3 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


OG-ADM-5: Software Update Test

This page captures status for the test case OG-ADM-5.For additional information see the Acceptance Test Status - April 2014 page overall status, or the OpenGENI Acceptance Test Plan for details about the planned evaluation.

Step State Notes Tickets
Step 1 Pass
Step 2 Pass
Step 3 Pass
Step 4 Pass
Step 5 Pass

State Legend Description
Pass Test completed and met all criteria
Pass: most criteria Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Fail Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Complete Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Blocked Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
In Progress Currently under test.
Not Planned This area is not part of initial evaluation

Test Plan Steps

Step 1. Review relevant rack documentation about software upgrades

Using instructions found at created both an install and an upgrade package. Following is a capture of the update package creation:

lnevers@scorpia:~/gram/pkg$ ./  --is_update=True --version=3.33 --output_directory=/home/lnevers --gram_root=/home/lnevers/ --gcf_root=/home/lnevers/gcf-2.4
INFO:root:Issuing command python --gcf_root=/home/lnevers/gcf-2.4 --version=3.33 --gram_root=/home/lnevers/ --deb_filename=/home/lnevers/gram_update.deb
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /home/lnevers/gram_update.deb
INFO:root:Issuing command mkdir -p /tmp/gram_dpkg
INFO:root:Issuing command mkdir -p /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt
INFO:root:Issuing command mkdir -p /tmp/gram_dpkg/etc
INFO:root:Issuing command mkdir -p /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram
INFO:root:Issuing command mkdir -p /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram/.gcf
INFO:root:Issuing command cp -Rf /home/lnevers//gram /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram
INFO:root:Issuing command cp -Rf /home/lnevers//gram/gcf_config /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram/.gcf
INFO:root:Issuing command cp -Rf /home/lnevers/gcf-2.4 /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt
INFO:root:Issuing command cp -Rf /home/lnevers//gram/etc/gram /tmp/gram_dpkg/etc
INFO:root:Issuing command cp /home/lnevers//gram/src/gram/am/gram/config.json /tmp/gram_dpkg/etc/gram
INFO:root:Issuing command cp -Rf /home/lnevers//gram/pkg/gram_dpkg//DEBIAN_update /tmp/gram_dpkg
INFO:root:Issuing command mv /tmp/gram_dpkg//DEBIAN_update /tmp/gram_dpkg/DEBIAN
INFO:root:Issuing command mv /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt/gcf-2.4 /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt/gcf
INFO:root:Issuing command git clone -b betta
remote: Reusing existing pack: 10485, done.
Receiving objects: 100% (10485/10485), 5.03 MiB | 1.60 MiB/s, done.
remote: Total 10485 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Resolving deltas: 100% (6177/6177), done.
INFO:root:Issuing command mv pox /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg/etc/gram/snapshots
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg/etc/gram/snapshots
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram/gram/pkg/gram_dpkg/tmp
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg/home/gram//gram/.git
INFO:root:Issuing command rm -rf /tmp/gram_dpkg/opt/pox/.git
INFO:root:Issuing command dpkg-deb -b /tmp/gram_dpkg /home/lnevers/gram_update.deb

The above generated a file named "/home/lnevers/gram_update.deb", which was installed on the Boston Rack Control Node. The version build was OpenGENI package is Version3.33:

gram@bbn-cam-ctrl-1:~$ sudo gdebi gram_update.deb 
[sudo] password for gram: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree        
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done 
Building data structures... Done 

OpenGENI installation package
Do you want to install the software package? [y/N]:y
(Reading database ... 183626 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace gram 3.32 (using gram_update.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement gram ...
Setting up gram (3.33) ...
gram-am stop/waiting
gram-am start/running, process 15176
gram-ch stop/waiting
gram-ch start/running, process 15196
stop: Unknown instance: 
gram-ctrl start/running, process 15209
stop: Unknown instance: 
gram-mon start/running, process 15219
gram-vmoc stop/waiting
gram-vmoc start/running, process 15234


Software restarted without any problems.

Version for each of the dependencies:

OpenStack Version:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ nova-manage --version list

OVS Open vSwitch datapaths Control (dpctl):

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ ovs-dpctl -V
ovs-dpctl (Open vSwitch) 1.4.6
Compiled Jan 10 2014 01:45:55

OVS Quantum Plugin:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ ovs-vsctl -V
ovs-vsctl (Open vSwitch) 1.4.6
Compiled Jan 10 2014 01:45:55

Database version:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ /usr/sbin/mysqld -V
140411 16:15:23 [Warning] Using unique option prefix key_buffer instead of key_buffer_size is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead.
/usr/sbin/mysqld  Ver 5.5.35-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

Pox Version:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ /opt/pox/ --version
POX 0.1.0 (betta) / Copyright 2011-2013 James McCauley, et al.
CPython (2.7.3/Sep 26 2013 20:03:06)

Python Version:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ python -V
Python 2.7.3

Step 2. Identify one or more software packages to upgrade.

Determined which packages needed updating:

gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ sudo apt-get update
gram@clemson-clemson-control-1:~$ sudo aptitude

--- Security Updates (22)                                                                                                                                                                                               
--- Upgradable Packages (45)  <---Packages  that can be upgraded
--- Installed Packages (668)
--- Not Installed Packages (61868)
--- Obsolete and Locally Created Packages (2)
--- Virtual Packages (7660)
--- Tasks (35745)

Step 3. For each package, test the software before upgrading it

Before upgrading some of the packages:

  • created several experiment,
  • logged in and used the resources
  • deleted the sliver
  • verified resource release via nova commands

Step 4. Upgrade each package

Upgrades several packages

Step 5. For each package, test the software after upgrading it

After the update verified allocation:

  • created several experiment,
  • logged in and used the resources
  • deleted the sliver
  • verified resource release via nova commands