Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus/EG-MON-3

08/14/12 16:46:45 (12 years ago)
Josh Smift



  • GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus/EG-MON-3

    v7 v8  
    55''This page is GPO's working page for performing EG-MON-3.  It is public for informational purposes, but it is not an official status report.  See [wiki:GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus] for the current status of ExoGENI acceptance tests.''
    7 ''Last substantive edit of this page: 2012-05-08''
    97== Page format ==
    2119Meaning of states:
    22  * [[Color(green,Pass)]]: Step is completed and passed (for a verification step), or is completed (for a prep step)
     20 * [[Color(lightgreen,Pass)]]: Step is completed and passed (for a verification step), or is completed (for a prep step)
    2321 * [[Color(red,Fail)]]: Step is completed and failed, and is not being revisited
    2422 * in progress: We are currently testing or iterating on this step
    2523 * [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]: Step is blocked by some other step or activity
    27 || '''Step''' || '''State'''               || '''Date completed''' || '''Tickets''' || '''Comments'''                                                                                      ||
    28 || 1          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || blocked on availability of local SM                                                                 ||
    29 || 2          ||                           ||                      ||               || ready to test                                                                                       ||
    30 || 3          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || blocked on availability of local SM, blocked on ability to request OpenFlow resources from local SM ||
    31 || 4          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || blocked on 1 and 3                                                                                  ||
    32 || 5          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || blocked on 1 and 3                                                                                  ||
    33 || 6          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on 1, 3, availability of FOAM                                         ||
    34 || 7          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on 1, 3                                                               ||
    35 || 8          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]] ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on 1, 3                                                               ||
     25|| '''Step''' || '''State'''                || '''Date completed''' || '''Tickets''' || '''Closed tickets / Comments'''                                                                     ||
     26|| 1          || [[Color(lightgreen,Pass)]] || 2012-08-14           ||               ||                                                                                                     ||
     27|| 2          || [[Color(lightgreen,Pass)]] || 2012-08-14           ||               ||                                                                                                     ||
     28|| 3          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                                                    ||
     29|| 4          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                                                    ||
     30|| 5          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                                                    ||
     31|| 6          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                              ||
     32|| 7          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                              ||
     33|| 8          || [[Color(orange,Blocked)]]  ||                      ||               || (exoticket:10) [[BR]] blocked on answers to questions about monitoring                              ||
    3735== High-level description from test plan ==
    6159== Step 1 (prep): start a local experiment and terminate it ==
     61=== Overview of Step 1 ===
    6363 * An experimenter requests an experiment from the local SM containing two rack VMs and a dataplane VLAN
    6464 * The experimenter logs into a VM, and sends dataplane traffic
    6565 * The experimenter terminates the experiment
     67=== Results of Step 1 from 2012-08-14 ===
     69I used this rspec:
     72<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     74This rspec will reserve the resources needed for EG-MON-3 Step 1.
     76It requests two VMs from BBN ExoGENI ORCA , running Debian 5, named
     77"rowan" and "martin", connected by an unbound dataplane VM.
     82<rspec xmlns=""
     83       xmlns:xs=""
     84       xmlns:sharedvlan=""
     85       xs:schemaLocation="
     88 "
     89       type="request">
     91  <node client_id="rowan">
     93    <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     94      <disk_image name="" version="397c431cb9249e1f361484b08674bc3381455bb9" />
     95    </sliver_type>
     97    <services>
     98      <execute shell="sh" command="hostname rowan"/>
     99    </services>
     101    <interface client_id="rowan:1">
     102      <ip address="" netmask="" />
     103    </interface>
     105  </node>
     107  <node client_id="martin">
     109    <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     110      <disk_image name="" version="397c431cb9249e1f361484b08674bc3381455bb9" />
     111    </sliver_type>
     113    <services>
     114      <execute shell="sh" command="hostname martin"/>
     115    </services>
     117    <interface client_id="martin:1">
     118      <ip address="" netmask="" />
     119    </interface>
     121  </node>
     123  <link client_id="dataplane">
     124    <component_manager name="urn:publicid:IDN+bbnvmsite+authority+cm"/>
     125    <interface_ref client_id="rowan:1"/>
     126    <interface_ref client_id="martin:1"/>
     127    <property source_id="rowan:1" dest_id="martin:1" />
     128    <property source_id="martin:1" dest_id="rowan:1" />
     129    <link_type name="dataplane"/>
     130  </link>
     135I created the sliver successfully:
     141omni createslice $slicename
     142omni -a $am createsliver $slicename $rspec
     145I got two VMs:
     148[14:32:04] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs
     149+$ omni -a $am listresources $slicename |& grep hostname=
     150                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="root"/>     
     151                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="root"/>     
     154I created an account for myself on them and installed my preferred config files:
     158rootlogins=$(echo $logins | sed -re 's/([^ ]+)/root@\1/g')
     159for login in $rootlogins ; do ssh $login date ; done
     161shmux -c "apt-get install sudo" $rootlogins
     162shmux -c 'sed -i -e "s/^%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL$/%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/" /etc/sudoers' $rootlogins
     163shmux -c 'sed -i -re "s/^($/\1 $(hostname)/" /etc/hosts' $rootlogins
     165shmux -c 'useradd -c "Josh Smift" -G sudo -m -s /bin/bash jbs' $rootlogins
     166shmux -c "sudo -u jbs mkdir ~jbs/.ssh" $rootlogins
     167shmux -c "grep jbs /root/.ssh/authorized_keys > ~jbs/.ssh/authorized_keys" $rootlogins
     169shmux -c "sudo chown jbs:jbs ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" $logins
     170shmux -c "rm ~jbs/.profile" $logins
     172for login in $logins ; do rsync -a ~/.cfhome/ $login: && echo $login & done
     174shmux -c 'sudo apt-get install iperf' $logins
     177I then logged in to the two nodes, and ran a five-minute 10 Mbit iperf UDP between the two. On martin (receiver):
     180[15:27:11] jbs@martin:/home/jbs
     181+$ nice -n 19 iperf -u -B -s -i 10
     183Server listening on UDP port 5001
     184Binding to local address
     185Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
     186UDP buffer size:   122 KByte (default)
     188[  3] local port 5001 connected with port 57075
     189[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
     190[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     191[  3] 10.0-20.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.023 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     192[  3] 20.0-30.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.021 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     193[  3] 30.0-40.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.024 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     194[  3] 40.0-50.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.021 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     195[  3] 50.0-60.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.015 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     196[  3] 60.0-70.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     197[  3] 70.0-80.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     198[  3] 80.0-90.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.025 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     199[  3] 90.0-100.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.025 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     200[  3] 100.0-110.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.020 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     201[  3] 110.0-120.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.026 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     202[  3] 120.0-130.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.032 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     203[  3] 130.0-140.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.027 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     204[  3] 140.0-150.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.019 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     205[  3] 150.0-160.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     206[  3] 160.0-170.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.026 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     207[  3] 170.0-180.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.019 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     208[  3] 180.0-190.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.020 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     209[  3] 190.0-200.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.027 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     210[  3] 200.0-210.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.020 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     211[  3] 210.0-220.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     212[  3] 220.0-230.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     213[  3] 230.0-240.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.020 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     214[  3] 240.0-250.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.033 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     215[  3] 250.0-260.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.031 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     216[  3] 260.0-270.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     217[  3] 270.0-280.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     218[  3] 280.0-290.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.021 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     219[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.016 ms    0/255103 (0%)
     220[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order
     223On rowan (sender):
     226[15:27:10] jbs@rowan:/home/jbs
     227+$ nice -n 19 iperf -u -c -t 300 -b 10M
     229Client connecting to, UDP port 5001
     230Sending 1470 byte datagrams
     231UDP buffer size:   122 KByte (default)
     233[  3] local port 57075 connected with port 5001
     234[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
     235[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec
     236[  3] Sent 255104 datagrams
     237[  3] Server Report:
     238[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.016 ms    0/255103 (0%)
     239[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order
     242(I also had some earlier runs where there was a lot of packet loss, but things smoothed out over time, so I kept this one.)
     244I then deleted the sliver:
     247omni -a $am deletesliver $slicename $rspec
    67250== Step 2 (prep): start an ExoSM experiment and terminate it ==
     252=== Overview of Step 2 ===
    69254 * An experimenter requests an experiment from the ExoSM containing two rack VMs and a dataplane VLAN
    71256 * The experimenter terminates the experiment
     258=== Results of Step 2 from 2012-08-14 ===
     260I used this rspec:
     263<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     265This rspec will reserve the resources needed for EG-MON-3 Step 2.
     267It requests two VMs from ExoSM, running Debian 5, named "rowan" and
     268"martin", connected by an unbound dataplane VM.
     273<rspec xmlns=""
     274       xmlns:xs=""
     275       xmlns:sharedvlan=""
     276       xs:schemaLocation="
     279 "
     280       type="request">
     282  <node client_id="rowan"
     283        component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+bbnvmsite+authority+cm" >
     285    <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     286      <disk_image name="" version="397c431cb9249e1f361484b08674bc3381455bb9" />
     287    </sliver_type>
     289    <services>
     290      <execute shell="sh" command="hostname rowan"/>
     291    </services>
     293    <interface client_id="rowan:1">
     294      <ip address="" netmask="" />
     295    </interface>
     297  </node>
     299  <node client_id="martin"
     300        component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+bbnvmsite+authority+cm" >
     302    <sliver_type name="m1.small">
     303      <disk_image name="" version="397c431cb9249e1f361484b08674bc3381455bb9" />
     304    </sliver_type>
     306    <services>
     307      <execute shell="sh" command="hostname martin"/>
     308    </services>
     310    <interface client_id="martin:1">
     311      <ip address="" netmask="" />
     312    </interface>
     314  </node>
     316  <link client_id="dataplane">
     317    <component_manager name="urn:publicid:IDN+bbnvmsite+authority+cm"/>
     318    <interface_ref client_id="rowan:1"/>
     319    <interface_ref client_id="martin:1"/>
     320    <property source_id="rowan:1" dest_id="martin:1" />
     321    <property source_id="martin:1" dest_id="rowan:1" />
     322    <link_type name="dataplane"/>
     323  </link>
     328I created the sliver successfully:
     334omni createslice $slicename
     335omni -a $am createsliver $slicename $rspec
     338I got two VMs:
     341[16:26:59] jbs@jericho:/home/jbs
     342+$ omni -a $am listresources $slicename |& grep hostname=
     343                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="root"/>     
     344                  <login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="22" username="root"/>     
     347I created an account for myself on them and installed my preferred config files:
     351rootlogins=$(echo $logins | sed -re 's/([^ ]+)/root@\1/g')
     352for login in $rootlogins ; do ssh $login date ; done
     354shmux -c "apt-get install sudo" $rootlogins
     355shmux -c 'sed -i -e "s/^%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL$/%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/" /etc/sudoers' $rootlogins
     356shmux -c 'sed -i -re "s/^($/\1 $(hostname)/" /etc/hosts' $rootlogins
     358shmux -c 'useradd -c "Josh Smift" -G sudo -m -s /bin/bash jbs' $rootlogins
     359shmux -c "sudo -u jbs mkdir ~jbs/.ssh" $rootlogins
     360shmux -c "grep jbs /root/.ssh/authorized_keys > ~jbs/.ssh/authorized_keys" $rootlogins
     362shmux -c "sudo chown jbs:jbs ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" $logins
     363shmux -c "rm ~jbs/.profile" $logins
     365for login in $logins ; do rsync -a ~/.cfhome/ $login: && echo $login & done
     367shmux -c 'sudo apt-get install iperf' $logins
     370I then logged in to the two nodes, and ran a five-minute 10 Mbit iperf UDP between the two. On martin (receiver):
     373[16:29:51] jbs@martin:/home/jbs
     374+$ nice -n 19 iperf -u -B -s -i 10
     376Server listening on UDP port 5001
     377Binding to local address
     378Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
     379UDP buffer size:   122 KByte (default)
     381[  3] local port 5001 connected with port 35124
     382[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
     383[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.026 ms    4/ 8509 (0.047%)
     384[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  4 datagrams received out-of-order
     385[  3] 10.0-20.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     386[  3] 20.0-30.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.015 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     387[  3] 30.0-40.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.015 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     388[  3] 40.0-50.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.019 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     389[  3] 50.0-60.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.027 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     390[  3] 60.0-70.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     391[  3] 70.0-80.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     392[  3] 80.0-90.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.028 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     393[  3] 90.0-100.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.015 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     394[  3] 100.0-110.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.013 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     395[  3] 110.0-120.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     396[  3] 120.0-130.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     397[  3] 130.0-140.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.023 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     398[  3] 140.0-150.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.019 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     399[  3] 150.0-160.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.022 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     400[  3] 160.0-170.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.020 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     401[  3] 170.0-180.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     402[  3] 180.0-190.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     403[  3] 190.0-200.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.012 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     404[  3] 200.0-210.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     405[  3] 210.0-220.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.016 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     406[  3] 220.0-230.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.021 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     407[  3] 230.0-240.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.024 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     408[  3] 240.0-250.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.025 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     409[  3] 250.0-260.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.015 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     410[  3] 260.0-270.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     411[  3] 270.0-280.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.016 ms    0/ 8504 (0%)
     412[  3] 280.0-290.0 sec  11.9 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.014 ms    0/ 8503 (0%)
     413[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.018 ms    3/255103 (0.0012%)
     414[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec  5 datagrams received out-of-order
     417On rowan (sender):
     420[16:29:58] jbs@rowan:/home/jbs
     421+$ nice -n 19 iperf -u -c -t 300 -b 10M
     423Client connecting to, UDP port 5001
     424Sending 1470 byte datagrams
     425UDP buffer size:   122 KByte (default)
     427[  3] local port 35124 connected with port 5001
     428[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
     429[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec
     430[  3] Sent 255104 datagrams
     431[  3] Server Report:
     432[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec    358 MBytes  10.0 Mbits/sec  0.017 ms    3/255103 (0.0012%)
     433[  3]  0.0-300.0 sec  5 datagrams received out-of-order
     436I then deleted the sliver:
     439omni -a $am deletesliver $slicename $rspec
    73442== Step 3 (prep): start an experiment and leave it running ==
     444=== Overview of Step 3 ===
    75446 * An experimenter requests an experiment from the local SM containing two rack VMs connected by an OpenFlow-controlled dataplane VLAN
    79450== Step 4: view running VMs ==
     452=== Overview of Step 4 ===
    93466== Step 5: get information about terminated VMs ==
     468=== Overview of Step 5 ===
    108483== Step 6: get !OpenFlow state information ==
     485=== Overview of Step 6 ===
    111488 * On the 8264 (dataplane) switch, get a list of controllers, and see if any additional controllers are serving experiments.
    122499== Step 7: verify MAC addresses on the rack dataplane switch ==
     501=== Overview of Step 7 ===
    125504 * Establish a privileged login to the 8264 (dataplane) switch
    132511== Step 8: verify active dataplane traffic ==
     513=== Overview of Step 8 ===