Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus/EG-EXP-6

08/15/12 15:41:21 (12 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome/ExogeniRacks/AcceptanceTestStatus/EG-EXP-6

    v36 v37  
    480480== 26. Verify that all three experiments continue to run ==
    482 Verify that each experiment is running without impacting each other's traffic and verify that data is exchanged over the path along which data is supposed to flow
     482Verify that each experiment is running without impacting each other's traffic and verify that data is exchanged over the path along which data is supposed to flow. 
     484Attempted to exchange traffic from Experimenter1 host to Experimenter2 host without success:
     487$ ssh root@
     488Linux debian 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
     490The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
     491the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
     492individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
     494Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
     495permitted by applicable law.
     496Last login: Wed Aug 15 19:38:46 2012 from
     497root@debian:~# ifconfig eth1
     498eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:00:5a:92:fe 
     499          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
     500          inet6 addr: fe80::5054:ff:fe5a:92fe/64 Scope:Link
     501          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
     502          RX packets:13662 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
     503          TX packets:12215 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
     504          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
     505          RX bytes:1217282 (1.1 MiB)  TX bytes:1087918 (1.0 MiB)
     507root@debian:~# ping
     508PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     509From icmp_seq=87 Destination Host Unreachable
     512Attempted several other combinations which also failed.
    484514== 27. Review baseline, GMOC, and monitoring statistics ==
    489519== 28. As site administrator, identify all controllers that the BBN ExoGENI !OpenFlow switch is connected to ==
    491 Do not have site administrator privileges to identify all controllers that have access to the BBN ExoGENI !OpenFlow Switch. Verified that the
    492 appropriate switches for the experiment on this page are connected to the !OpenFlow Controller.
    493 Based on the RSpecs the following is requested:
    494 {{{
    495 <openflow:controller url="" type="primary" />
    496 }}}
    497 On the system the controller is running and listening on port 33017 and started as follows:
    498 {{{
    499 ./nox_core --info=$HOME/ -i ptcp:33017 switch lavi_switches lavi_swlinks jsonmessenger=tcpport=11017,sslport=0
    500 }}}
    501 Verified the switches for EG-EXP-6 by using the nox console to get a list of switches connected:
     521An experimenter does not have site administrator privileges to identify all OpenFlow controllers that have access to the BBN ExoGENI !OpenFlow Switch. Was able to verify that the appropriate switches for the experiment on this page are connected to the !OpenFlow Controllers.
     525Based on the RSpecs the following nox controller and ports are requested for EG-EXP-6-exp1:
     527 <openflow:controller url="" type="primary" />
     529On the system the nox controller is running and listening on port 33017 and allowing console connections on port 11017:
     531 $ ./nox_core --info=$HOME/ -i ptcp:33017 switch lavi_switches lavi_swlinks jsonmessenger=tcpport=11017,sslport=0
     533Verified the switches connected to the controller for EG-EXP-6-exp1 by using the nox console to get a list of switches connected:
    503535 $ ./nox-console -n localhost -p 11017 getnodes | sort
    504    00:00:00:10:10:17:50:01
    505    00:00:0e:84:40:39:18:1b
    506    00:00:0e:84:40:39:18:58
    507    00:00:0e:84:40:39:19:96
    508    00:00:0e:84:40:39:1a:57
    509    00:00:0e:84:40:39:1b:93
    510    00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00
    511    06:d6:00:24:a8:5d:0b:00
    512   06:d6:00:26:f1:3f:e4:80
    513 }}}
     536  00:00:00:10:10:17:50:01
     537  00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00
     538  00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00 
     539  06:d6:00:12:e2:b8:a5:d0
     540  06:d6:00:24:a8:5d:0b:00
     541  06:d6:00:24:a8:d2:b8:40
     542  0e:84:00:23:47:c8:bc:00
     543  0e:84:00:23:47:ca:bc:40
     544  0e:84:00:24:a8:d2:48:00
     545  0e:84:00:24:a8:d2:b8:40
     546  0e:84:00:26:f1:40:a8:00
     549In the above list of connections, ''00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00'' is the BBN ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch
     550and ''00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00'' is the RENCI ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch.
     554Based on the RSpecs the following controller and ports are requested for EG-EXP-6-exp2:
     556 <openflow:controller url="" type="primary" />
     558On the system the controller is running and listening on port 33018 and allowing console connections on port 11018:
     560 $ ./nox_core --info=$HOME/ -i ptcp:33018 switch lavi_switches lavi_swlinks jsonmessenger=tcpport=11018,sslport=0
     562Verified the switches connected to the controller for EG-EXP-6-exp2 by using the nox console to get a list of switches connected:
     564 $ ./nox-console -n localhost -p 11018 getnodes
     565 00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00
     566 00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00
     567 06:d6:00:12:e2:b8:a5:d0
     568 06:d6:00:24:a8:d2:b8:40
     569 0e:84:00:23:47:c8:bc:00
     570 0e:84:00:23:47:ca:bc:40
     571 0e:84:00:24:a8:d2:48:00
     572 0e:84:00:24:a8:d2:b8:40
     573 0e:84:00:26:f1:40:a8:00
     575In the above list of connections, ''00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00'' is the BBN ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch
     576and ''00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00'' is the RENCI ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch.
     581Based on the RSpecs the following controller and ports are requested for EG-EXP-6-exp3:
     583 <openflow:controller url="" type="primary" />
     585On the system the controller is running and listening on port 33020 and allowing console connections on port 11020:
     587 $ ./nox_core --info=$HOME/ -i ptcp:33020 switch lavi_switches lavi_swlinks jsonmessenger=tcpport=11020,sslport=0
     589Verified the switches for EG-EXP-6-exp1 by using the nox console to get a list of switches connected:
     591 $ ./nox-console -n localhost -p 11020 getnodes
     592 06:d6:00:24:a8:c4:b9:00
     593 06:d6:00:12:e2:b8:a5:d0
     594 00:00:0e:84:40:39:19:96
     595 00:00:0e:84:40:39:18:58
     596 00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00
     597 00:00:0e:84:40:39:1b:93
     598 00:00:0e:84:40:39:1a:57
     599 00:00:0e:84:40:39:18:1b
     601In the above list of connections, ''00:64:08:17:f4:b5:2a:00'' is the BBN ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch
     602and ''00:64:08:17:f4:b3:5b:00'' is the RENCI ExoGENI OpenFlow Switch.