Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests/InstageniAcceptanceTestsPlan

04/19/12 14:37:48 (12 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests/InstageniAcceptanceTestsPlan

    v14 v15  
    2525It is expected that the InstaGENI Aggregate Manager will provide an interface into the FOAM aggregate. If the InstaGENI interface to FOAM is not available, tests will be executed by submitting requests directly to FOAM; When the interface to FOAM become available the test will be re-executed.
     27The InstaGENI solution does not provide support for experimenters uploading custom VM images to the rack. Therefore, any test case using custom images will modified to use available images for the rack. The ability to upload a custom VM image to the InstaGENI rack will be tested when it becomes available. 
    2829Test Traffic Profile:
    166167 6. Create a sliver in the first slice, using the RSpec defined in step 4.
    167168 7. Log in to each of the systems, and send traffic to the other system sharing a VLAN.
    168  8. Using root privileges on one of the VMs load a Kernel module.
     169 8. Using root privileges on one of the VMs load a Kernel module. It is expected this will not work on shared OpenVZ nodes, testing will proceed past this step.
    169170 9. Run a netcat listener and bind to port XYZ on each of the VMs in the Utah rack.
    170171 10. Send traffic to port XYZ on each of the VMs in the Utah rack over the control network from any commodity Internet host.
    249250 * Baseline Monitoring is in place at each site, to ensure that any problems are quickly identified.
    250251 * InstaGENI manages private address allocation for the endpoints in this test.
     252 * Availability of the ION AM, if not available, a static VLAN will be used.
    253254==== Procedure ====