Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests/InstageniAcceptanceTestsPlan

04/12/12 13:15:34 (12 years ago)



  • GENIRacksHome/AcceptanceTests/InstageniAcceptanceTestsPlan

    v9 v10  
    151151 * Two GPO customized Ubuntu image snapshots are available and have been manually uploaded by the rack administrator using available InstaGENI documentation. One Ubuntu image is for the VM and one Ubuntu image is for the physical node in this test.
    152152 * Traffic generation tools may be part of image or may be installed at experiment runtime.
    153  * Administrative accounts have been created for GPO staff on the BBN InstaGENI rack.
     153 * Administrative accounts have been created for GPO staff on the Utah InstaGENI rack.
    154154 * GENI Experimenter1 and Experimenter2 accounts exist.
    155  * Baseline Monitoring is in place for the entire BBN site, to ensure that any problems are quickly identified.
     155 * Baseline Monitoring is in place for the entire Utah site, to ensure that any problems are quickly identified.
    157157==== Procedure ====
    159159Do the following:
    161  1. As Experimenter1, request !ListResources from BBN InstaGENI.
     161 1. As Experimenter1, request !ListResources from Utah InstaGENI.
    162162 2. Review advertisement RSpec for a list of OS images which can be loaded, and identify available resources.
    163163 3. Verify that the GPO Ubuntu customized image is available in the advertisement RSpec.
    167167 7. Log in to each of the systems, and send traffic to the other system sharing a VLAN.
    168168 8. Using root privileges on one of the VMs load a Kernel module.
    169  9. Run a netcat listener and bind to port XYZ on the VM in the BBN rack.
     169 9. Run a netcat listener and bind to port XYZ on the VM in the Utah rack.
    170170 10. Send traffic to port XYZ on the VM in the BBN rack over the control network from any commodity Internet host.
    171  11. As Experimenter2, request !ListResources from BBN InstaGENI.
     171 11. As Experimenter2, request !ListResources from Utah InstaGENI.
    172172 12. Define a request RSpec for two physical nodes, both using the uploaded GPO Ubuntu images.
    173173 13. Create the second slice.