= Welcome to GENI Operations = The GENI operations team consists of representatives from GENI aggregate providers, the [wiki:GENIMetaOps GENI MetaOperations Center (GMOC)], the GENI rack teams, security engineers, and the GPO. Contact the [http://globalnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/contact-us.html GMOC] for 24x7 support. More information available on the[http://globalnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/support.html GMOC support page]. See [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GENIRacksHome/Operators the operators pages] for network engineering information about GENI sites. If you are a GENI aggregate (resource) provider or a GENI campus operator, please sign up for the [http://lists.geni.net/mailman/listinfo/response-team GENI Response Team] mailing list. This list is primarily for those providing production engineering and support to GENI. List members receive all GENI outage and maintenance notifications from the GMOC. The GMOC also posts these [http://gmoc.grnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/support/gmoc-operations-calendars.html notifications] on the GMOC calendars and on the [https://tick.globalnoc.iu.edu/fp_tools/public_ticket_viewer/index.cgi?proj=126 GENI public ticket viewer]. If you plan to take down a GENI resource for planned maintenance OR if you notice a GENI resource has an unexpected outage, PLEASE first [mailto:gmoc@grnoc.iu.edu email] or [http://gmoc.grnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/contact-us.html phone] operations. Be kind to our experimetners and provide as much warning as possible for scheduled maintenance activities. Be sure to check the [http://gmoc.grnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/support/gmoc-operations-calendars.html operations calendars] for conflicting events before scheduling any maintenance. GENI measurement data is available for operators on the web at [https://genimon.uky.edu/login with login] or general status [https://genimon.uky.edu/status without login]. Email help@geni.net for an account. [wiki:GeniAggregate] lists all existing aggregates. Links on this page lead to Aggregate Information Pages with more details about the aggregates and how to use them. [wiki:GENIRacksHome] provides information on GENI Racks in general, and [wiki:GENIRacksHome/Security GENI Racks Security] provides information about security in particular. [wiki:OF1.3SwitchComparison] provides documentation about OpenFlow 1.3 implementations supported by GENI hardware vendors. [wiki:GpoDoc] includes early operations documents such as the GENI concept of operations, provided for reference only. == GENI Operations Procedures == This is a list of shared GENI operations procedures approved by the operations teams at the GMOC, the University of Kentucky, RENCI, the University of Utah, Internet2 and the GPO. Procedures related to security are reviewed by the GENI LLR Representatives. Each operations group also defines their own internal procedures. Contact the [http://globalnoc.iu.edu/gmoc/index/contact-us.html GMOC] if you are interested in participating in the operations procedures group coordinated by Terry Lee Broadstreet. [wiki:EmergencyStop Emergency Stop] provides information on Emergency Stop procedures, including an example procedure of how site operators can handle an Emergency Stop request. Contact the GMOC to request an Emergency Stop. [http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GENIMetaOps/GMOC%20Security%20Procedure.docx Security Events Procedure] [http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GENIMetaOps/GMOC%20Security%20Procedure.pdf .pdf version] provides information for handling various security events. [wiki:OperationsProcedures/URNConsolidation GENI Internet2 Switch Consolidation Procedure] explains how to plan and coordinate a 2016 scheduled core network maintenance with all affected parties. [wiki:OperationsProcedures/StitchingComputationService GENI Stitching Operations Procedure] explains how to respond to handle issues with stitching in GENI aggregates. [wiki:OperationsProcedures/GeniWirelessEventProcedure GENI Wireless Event Procedure] explains how to respond to issues with GENI Wireless Issues [wiki:OperationsProcedures/GeniClearinghouseOrPortalEventProcedure GENI Clearinghouse or Portal Event Procedure] explains how to respond to issues with GENI Clearinghouse or Portal.