= Checking Slice Status in GENIMon = This procedure outlines how to check the status and get statistics for a slice which has resources at multiple aggregates. It is assumed that the operator following this procedure has a login for the [http://genimon.uky.edu/ GENI Monitoring] web interface, if not send email to gpo-infra@geni.net. For an overview of the GENI Monitoring Web interface see the [wiki:GENIMonitoring/HowTo HowTo] page. == Access Slice information == Slice information can be accessed in different ways in the GENI Monitoring web interface: 1. From the Dashboard: - If you know the slice name, simply select the "Slices" item in the 'Dashboard' and type the slice name in the upper-right hand 'Search' box and then click on the slice name. This will update the bottom of the main panel to include a "Map" , "Members" and "Slivers" for the slice name selected. - If you are looking for the slices that belong to a specific user, select the "Users" item in 'Dashboard' and type the user name in the upper-right hand 'Search' box and then click on the username. This will update the bottom of the main panel to include all "Slivers" and "Slices" for the username selected. 2. From the Navigation Panel": - If you want the GENI Monitoring information for a slice, in the left-side navigation select 'GENI Objects->Slices' (same as selecting Dashboard). - If you want the Data Store information reported for a slice, in the left-side navigation select 'GENI Stores->Aggregates->Aggregate_Name'. This will update the bottom of the main panel to show available information. For example selecting the aggregate 'al2s.internet2.edu' will show "Switches", "Links" and "Slivers" being reported by that network aggregate. In the "Slivers" panel you can type in the slice name to narrow down the results to the slice of interest. - If you want to know the GENI Clearinghouse information for a slice, in the left-side navigation select 'GENI Stores->OPSConfig Stores->geni-prod'. This will update the bottom of the main panel to show "Aggregates", "Authorities, and "Check Stores". Select the "Autorities" panel and then click on "ch.geni.net". This will provide you with the Clearinghouse view of "Users" and "Slices" == Mapping Slices to Slivers == This sections show how to get all sliver information associated with a slice. Currently only AL2S will report slice information. To show this procedure a slice named "triangle" is being used, the slice includes a compute resource at each of 3 aggregates(uchicago-ig, nysernet-ig, and cenic-ig) which are connected as a triangle topology. From the 'Dashboard' click on Slices and search for "triangle". The search will result in the slice id "ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle" being shown. The slice id "ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle" follows the format "Clearinghouse_GENIProject_slice_Slicename", therefore we can tell that "ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle" is a slice from the GENI Clearinghouse (ch.geni.net), in the project "ln-test" and is named "triangle". Click on the slice ID, this will update the bottom of the main panel to include all "Members" and "Slivers" for the slice "triangle". Select the Sliver panel and click on the sliver ID, which is made up of the slice URN plus a unique identifier (ex. : "urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-test+slice+triangle:1bc9e85e-146c-4991-a4e9-96c5f3a5dee9"). This results in Links information for the sliver as reported by AL2S: [[Image(triangle-links.jpg)]] We will select each of the links to show the endpoint associated with the link. For example when selected, the link 'I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145' will show these end-points: [[Image(triangle-I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145.jpg)]] Selecting the first endpoint "sdn-sw.losa.net.internet2.edu:eth5/1:1550" will show the Bytes Metrics Report: [[Image(triangle-losa-eth5-1.jpg)]] Selecting the other endpoint "sdn-sw.newy32aoa.net.internet2.edu:eth7/2:1714" will show Bytes Metrics Report: [[Image(triangle-newy-eth7-2.jpg)]] Repeat for all endpoints associated with the two remaining links (I2-LOSA-STAR-VLAN-51146 and I2-NEWY32AOA-STAR-VLAN-51144).