[[PageOutline]] = GENI Monitoring Resource Check = This procedure outlines how to check the status and get statistics for a slice which has resources at multiple aggregates. It is assumed that the operator following this procedure has a login for the [http://genimon.uky.edu/ GENI Monitoring] web interface. if you do not have an account see the instructions for [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GENIMonitoring/Account Getting an Account] page. For an overview of the GENI Monitoring Web interface features see the [wiki:GENIMonitoring/Overview GENI Monitoring Overview] page. == Access Slice information == Slice information can be accessed in different ways in the GENI Monitoring web interface, all are highlighted here: 1. From the Dashboard: - If you know the slice name, simply select the `Slices` item in the `Dashboard` and type the slice name in the upper-right hand `Search` box and then click on the slice name. This will update the bottom of the main panel to include a `Map` , `Members` and `Slivers` for the slice name selected. - If you are looking for the slices that belong to a specific user, select the `Users` item in `Dashboard` and type the user name in the upper-right hand `Search` box and then click on the username. This will update the bottom of the main panel to include all `Slivers` and `Slices` for the username selected. 2. From the Navigation Panel": - If you want the GENI Monitoring information for a slice, in the left-side navigation select `GENI Objects->Slices` (same as selecting Dashboard). - If you want the Data Store information reported for a slice, in the left-side navigation select `GENI Stores->Aggregates->Aggregate_Name`. This will update the bottom of the main panel to show available information. For example selecting the aggregate `al2s.internet2.edu` will show `Switches`, `Links` and `Slivers` being reported by that network aggregate. In the `Slivers` panel you can type in the slice name to narrow down the results to the slice of interest. - If you want to know the GENI Clearinghouse information for a slice, in the left-side navigation select `GENI Stores->OPSConfig Stores->geni-prod`. This will update the bottom of the main panel to show `Aggregates`, `Authorities`, and `Check Stores`. Select the `Authorities` panel and then click on `ch.geni.net`. This will provide you with the Clearinghouse view of `Users` and `Slices` == Mapping Slices to Slivers and VLANs == This sections show how to get all sliver information associated with a slice. For this procedure a slice named `triangle` is being used, the slice includes a compute resource at each of 3 aggregates (uchicago-ig, nysernet-ig, and cenic-ig) which are connected as a triangle topology. From the `Dashboard` click on the `Slices` item and search for `triangle`. The search will result in the slice ID `ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle` being shown, as seen here: [[Image(triangle-slice.jpg,70%)]] The slice id `ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle` uses the format `Clearinghouse_GENIProject_slice_Slicename`, therefore we can tell that `ch.geni.net_ln-test_slice_triangle` is a slice from the GENI Clearinghouse (ch.geni.net), in the project `ln-test` and is named `triangle`. Below the Slice listing, detailed slice information is available: [[Image(triangle-slice-info.jpg,70%)]] On the Information section of the main panel you can also find sliver tab for the slice. Select the `Sliver` tab to get a listing of sliver resources associated to this slice: [[Image(triangle-slice-slivers.jpg,70%)]] The `Sliver` tab shows the slice URN and a list of slivers at the AL2S and InstaGENI aggregates for this slice. Click on the AL2S sliver (urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:ln-test+slice+triangle:1bc9e85e-146c-4991-a4e9-96c5f3a5dee9). This results in `Links` information being shown for the sliver as reported by AL2S: [[Image(triangle-links.jpg,70%)]] We will select each of the links to show the endpoint associated with the link. For example when selected, the link `I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145` will show these end-points: [[Image(triangle-I2-LOSA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-51145.jpg,70%)]] Selecting the first endpoint `sdn-sw.losa.net.internet2.edu:eth5/1:1550` will show the Bytes Metrics Report: [[Image(triangle-losa-eth5-1.jpg,60%)]] Selecting the other endpoint `sdn-sw.newy32aoa.net.internet2.edu:eth7/2:1714` will show Bytes Metrics Report: [[Image(triangle-newy-eth7-2.jpg,60%)]] Repeat for all endpoints associated with the two remaining links (`I2-LOSA-STAR-VLAN-51146` and `I2-NEWY32AOA-STAR-VLAN-51144`). All links have similar traffic levels. == Mapping Slices to Interfaces == To map a Slice to an interface, you should follow the procedure described in the previous section and when the endpoint is selected, you can choose the interface link: [[Image(interface-link.jpg,60%)]] and then see the overall interface traffic details: [[Image(interface-stats.jpg,70%)]] The resulting interface page also includes an `Endpoints` panel that lists all endpoint that are active on the interface. [[Image(interface-endpoints.jpg,80%)]] == Mapping a VLAN to Aggregates == If you want to know how a VLAN is used in the network, select the `GENI Hardware->VLAN` in the navigation and enter the VLAN ID in the upper-right hand `Search` box. In this example, we are looking for information for VLAN 3733: [[Image(vlan-3733.jpg,80%)]] The IDs returned are: - `al2s.internet2.edu_interface_sdn-sw.newy32aoa.net.internet2.edu:eth15%2F6:rutgers-ig:3733` - the AL2S information for this VLAN, which shows that the VLAN is in use at "rutgers-ig" which is connected via the New York router "newy32aoa" to AL2S. - `instageni.rutgers.edu_interface_pc3:eth1:3733` - The compute resources information that shows that the VLAN is connected to a compute resources on pc3 (a xen server). - `instageni.rutgers.edu_interface_procurve2:1:19:3733` - The rack switch(procurve2) that is using VLAN 3733.