Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of GENIMetaOps/DraftMonitoringMetrics

04/23/12 10:01:05 (12 years ago)

move the aggregate/resource mapping from the <aggregate> element to the <resource> element


  • GENIMetaOps/DraftMonitoringMetrics

    v1 v2  
    2020   * `organization`: the organization which primarily maintains this resource.  Again, metadata about this organization should be submitted to GMOC some other way (not within the `<aggregate>` element).
    2121 * Contents:
    22    * Each resource which this aggregate controls should be named in a `<resource>` element, which has mandatory attributes:
    23      * `name`: the name of the resource (e.g. an FQDN).  For each resource listed by the aggregate, we expect that a top-level `<resource>` element will be reported by some entity, containing more information about that resource.
    2422   * Each sliver which is defined on this aggregate should be named in a `<sliver>` element, which has mandatory attributes:
    2523     * `name`: The aggregate's name for this sliver; this is unique at a particular point in time, but need not be unique over time.
    3129     In addition, the `<sliver>` element can contain zero or more of the following element contents:
    3230     * A mapping between a sliver and a resource is defined by a `<resource_mapping>` element, which has the following mandatory attributes:
    33        * `resource`: The name of the resource which contains the mapping from this sliver.  This must be defined in a `<resource>` block by this attribute.
     31       * `resource`: The name of the resource which contains the mapping from this sliver.  This must be defined in a `<resource>` element, and should be a resource which lists this aggregate as its `aggregate` attribute.
    3432       * `name`: The name of this sliver on that resource.  This may be the same or different from the name of the sliver on the aggregate.  The purpose of this field is to allow the GMOC UI to map time series information reported by the resource, back to the sliver, even if the resource is not GENI-aware and does not know the sliver's name.
    3533       * `type`: What type of thing has the sliver allocated on this resource.  Again, GMOC should probably be aware of all valid values of this attribute.  In this example, we use the `resource_mapping` types: `vm`
    3735Relations for resources:
    38  * Primary element: an resource's relational data should be contained in a `<resource>` element, with the following mandatory attributes:
     36 * Primary element: a resource's relational data should be contained in a `<resource>` element, with the following mandatory attributes:
    3937   * `name`: the name of the resource (e.g. an FQDN)
    4038   * `type`: what type of resource is this?  GMOC will probably need to be aware of all valid values of this attribute, though new values may be able to do some useful things by default.  In this example, we use the resource types: `vmserver`
     39   * `aggregate`: what aggregate manager controls this resource?  This aggregate must be defined by an `<aggregate>` element somewhere.
    4140   * `location`: the physical location containing this resource.  Metadata about this location should be submitted to GMOC some other way (not within the `<resource>` element).
    4241   * `organization`: the organization which primarily maintains this resource.  Again, metadata about this organization should be submitted to GMOC some other way (not within the `<resource>` element).
    5554<aggregate type="myplc" name="" location="gpolab" organization="BBN">
    56   <resource name="" />
    57   <resource name="" />
    58   <resource name="" />
    59   <resource name="" />
    60   <resource name="" />
    6255  <sliver name="pgenigpolabbbncom_plastic104" uuid="" created=1305301475 expires=1337137200 slice_urn="" slice_uuid=""/>
    6356    <resource_mapping resource="" type="vm" name="pgenigpolabbbncom_plastic104"/>
    7366 * Relations:
    75 <resource type="vmserver" name="" location="gpolab" organization="BBN">
     68<resource type="vmserver" name="" aggregate="" location="gpolab" organization="BBN">
    7669  <interface name="eth0" macaddr="00:1B:21:5F:8F:E0" />
    7770  <interface name="eth1" macaddr="00:1B:21:5F:8F:E1" />