Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of GENIGlossary

07/15/13 14:53:15 (11 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • GENIGlossary

    v4 v5  
    1111'''Renewal:''' Slices and slivers are created with a particular expiration time, which is aggregate-specific. An experimenter may request that the expiration time be extended by a renewal request. Once the expiration time of a given slice or sliver has passed, however, these elements can no longer be renewed and may be reclaimed by GENI.
    13 '''RSpec:''' Resources in GENI are described in XML files called [ Resource Specifications (RSpecs)]. Aggregate resource listings (advertisements), reservation requests, and manifests of resources you have reserved are all represented as RSpecs.
     13'''RSpec:''' Resources in GENI are described in XML files called [wiki:GENIExperimenter/RSpecs Resource Specifications (RSpecs)]. Aggregate resource listings (advertisements), reservation requests, and manifests of resources you have reserved are all represented as RSpecs.
    1515'''Slice:''' A slice is the context for a particular set of experiments, and contains reserved resources and the set of GENI users ('members') who are entitled to act on those resources. A slice belongs to a single project, and can have multiple members. Experimenters can add and delete resources from a slice.
    2525'''SSL Key and Certificate:''' These are PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) materials representing a user's identity for SSL (secure sockets layer) communications such as HTTPS sessions. Specifically the AM API requires authentication by means of SSL client certificates signed by a trusted GENI root.
     27== Key GENI Concepts ==
     28For a description of key GENI concepts, see [wiki:GENIConcepts].