
Version 2 (modified by, 8 years ago) (diff)


Understanding the AM API using Named Data Networking

Image Map

1. Design the Experiment

  1. In today's experiment you will use resources at the aggregate listed on the worksheet. If you don't have a worksheet use Clemson InstaGENI (aka

2. Establish the Environment

2.1 Pre-work: Ensure SSH keys are setup

Verify that you have at least one public key associated with your account. To do that, after you login to the portal check under your Profile, under the SSH keys tab. If you do not have SSH keys associated yet, please follow the instructions on that tab of the Portal.

2.2 Configure Omni

  1. Login to the GENI Portal
  2. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner, then select the `Profile tab` menu item. Then click on the `Configure omni` tab under `PROFILE`.

Figure 2-1 Click on the Configure omni tab under Profile.
  1. Click on the `Download your omni data` button under step 2.

Figure 2-2 Download your omni data under step 2.
  1. If this is the first time you try to access your GENI certificate you will have to generate one. Click on the `generate a certificate` link.

Figure 2-3 Click on Generate a certificate.
  1. Unless you really understand how SSL certificates work, choose the simple option. Click on the `Generate Combined Certificate and Key File` button and then click on `Close`. You will be taken back to the download page with the warning. Reload the page to enable the download button. If you are a member of more than one project, select which project you would like to be the default one for running experiments in GENI. You can always change the project that is used by the `-r` command line option of Omni.

Figure 2-4 Click on Generate Combined Certificate and Key File.
  1. Then click on `Download your omni data`.

Figure 2-5 Click on Download your omni data.
  1. The bundle will be saved at ~/Downloads/omni.bundle
  2. Open a terminal window and type:
    The cert and key files you need will be installed in the appropriate folders.

3. Obtain Resources

3.1 Create a slice

Create a slice using omni and the slice name of your choice. From now on that slice name will be referred to as SLICENAME.

$ omni createslice SLICENAME 

3.2. Load a simple topology in Jacks

For this exercise, we will edit an existing RSpec file. Start by loading this predefined topology into Jacks.

  1. In the Portal, open the Slice page for the slice you just created. Notice that you created the slice with omni and it is available via the Portal.
  2. Press the Add Resources button to launch Jacks for this slice.
  3. From the Choose RSpec menu (see figure), select the URL button.
Import an RSpec into Jacks
Figure 3-1 Import an RSpec into Jacks.
  1. Enter the URL for the RSpec:
    then click Select.
  2. After you click Select, a network topology should appear on the canvas.


Next: Execute