= 5. Run your experiment = Now that resources are ready we can start running our experiment. We will first start by logging in to our reserved nodes. == 5a. Logging Into the nodes -- Omni Scripting == Depending on the Aggregate the login information are either part of the `sliverstatus` call, or as part of the manifest rspec, i.e. returned from the `listresources` call. Omni comes with a script that makes it easy to gather all this information. i. In the terminal run: {{{ readyToLogin.py -a pg-utah }}} The script will return the actual command that you would need to use for logging in. ii. Login to both nodes by copy-paste the commands from the output of the script. [[Image(Tutorials/Graphics:readytologin_output.png, 40%)]] == 5b. Send IP traffic == The first simple experiment that we will run is to verify the IP connectivity between our hosts. i. Check the interfaces of your nodes. In the terminal type: {{{ /sbin/ifconfig }}} You should see at least two interfaces: * The '''control interface'''. This is the interface from where you access the node, e.g. ssh into your host. The control interface is mainly used for control traffic, i.e. traffic for controlling the node and the experiment. The control interface usually has a publicly routable IP. * The '''data interface'''. This is the interface that is used for sending experimental traffic. This is the interface that connects to the other hosts of your experiment through GENI. The links between these interfaces are the ones that allow you to run non-IP experiments. i. Note the name and the MAC address of the control and of the data interface for each node. The data interface is the one that has an IP that starts with 10. i. From the client ping the server. From the xterm that is logged in to the client type : {{{ ping server -c 5 }}} '''Note''': You can use the name that is assigned to the host to directly ping the host, you can also ping using the IP of the data interface of the node. An example output should look like : {{{ [[inki@r2 ~]$ ping server -c 5 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.95 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.27 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.04 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.95 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1.72 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.728/1.992/2.278/0.179 ms }}} == 5c. Send non-IP traffic == GENI provides the capability of running non-IP experiments, since you can connect your hosts at Layer 2. For the purpose of this tutorial we have installed in all the hosts a very simple Layer 2 ping program that sends packets using a custom ethernet type. i. Disable the IP in your nodes. First of all we are going to completely disable IP on our nodes. In each of the terminals type: {{{ sudo /sbin/ifconfig }}} '''Note''': Be extra careful to bring down the IP on the data interface, bringing down the IP on the control interface means that you will lose connectivity to your host. ii. Try again to ping from the client to the server. In the xterm of the client type: {{{ ping server -c 5 }}} This time the ping should timeout. iii. Start the Layer 2 ping server: In the server xterm, type: {{{ sudo /usr/local/bin/pingPlusListener 12345 }}} iii. From the client try to ping the server at layer 2. You will need the mac address of the data interface of the server and the name of the data interface of the client. In the xterm of the client, type: {{{ sudo /usr/local/bin/pingPlus 12345 }}} The result should look like : {{{ [uncusr20@client ~]$ sudo /usr/local/bin/pingPlus 02:00:9B:48:3E:20 mv1.1 12345 RQ:'5582+2067' to 2:0:9b:48:3e:20. RQ:5582+2067 from 2:0:3e:15:6c:ab. }}} Congratulations you have run a Layer 2 experiment in GENI!