
Version 31 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


Get to Know GENI and SAVI

Hello GENI index Hello GENI index Hello GENI index


0. Prerequisites: Get a SAVI account and an Omni bundle

  • Make sure you have ssh keys and ssl certs in the GENI Portal. You can verify this by going to the Profile tab on the Portal.
  • Getting a SAVI account:
  • As a GENI user, scroll down on the GENI portal homepage until you see "Tools". There, hit the SAVI button. Proceed through the remaining prompts until you get an email with you SAVI username and password.
  • Getting an Omni bundle:

  • In the GENI portal, click "Profile" and then "Configure Omni" in the set of tabs on the profile page. There, click the "Download your omni data" button.

1.Use the SAVI Client and the Federation Tool to Create a GENI Slice OMNI Bundle

  • Use scp to transfer the Omni Bundle you downloaded in pre-work to the Downloads folder on From the folder in which you have the Omni bundle, run
$ scp omni.bundle <savi-username>

Windows users can use winscp

  • Using your SAVI credentials, log in to Any ssh tool can be used for this, including Putty and cygwin ssh on Windows, and the builtin terminal tools on any Unix- or Linux-based


$ ssh <savi-username>
  • Once you're logged in, run
    $ omni-configure

to configure Omni. Omni-configure should have placed your ssh keys (id_rsa and in your .ssh folder on Check to make sure that the keys are there.

  • Now download and unpack the GENI-SAVI Federation Tool
$ wget
$  tar xvf tutorial.tar

2. Create a slice on GENI and Add Some VMs to it

We will now create a slice on GENI. Use gs-<yourinitials> as the slice name. In the tutorial directory,

$ ./ createslice geni <slice_name>

Now add a VM running Ubuntu 14 at the InstaGENI Rack assigned to you.

$ ./ createvm geni <slice-name > <rack name> Ubuntu-14-04

This will take about a minute. It will then come back with a response of the form

  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from ...

 To connect to the created VM please use to the given hostname="<name>.<rack domain name>"

The machine will now be in a booting state. It will take about 5-10 minutes before you can log in. We'll use the time productively and create a SAVI VM while we wait.

3. Create VMs on SAVI at Toronto and Victoria

The general form of the command to create a VM on SAVI is

$ ./ createvm savi <tenant_name> <location> <os_image_name> <vm-size> <ssh_key> <vm-name>

we have chosen values for all parameters; each group will be given a specific site at the tutorial. The vm-name should be your geni-username, followed by the sitename. E.g., for rickmcg, the name at Toronto will be rickmcg-toronto

$ ./ createvm savi geniUsers <savi site> Ubuntu-14-04-64 small geni_portal_key <geni_username>-<savi sitename>

We now have VMs at a GENI rack one SAVI site. Check the status of your resources on both GENI and SAVI

$ ./ listinstance geni
$ ./ listinstance savi

Take note of the hostname for your GENI VM and the public IP address listed for your SAVI VM, we'll use these in the next step. 

Notice that access to the SAVI machines are by IP address

4. Set up Ansible for your experiment

(a) Create an Ansible Hosts file

An Ansible hosts file is of the form


where group_name is a name for a group of nodes, and a server spec contains login information for a node. An example of a server specification is

    ansible_ssh_host=  ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=rickmcg_geni ansible_ssh_private_key=~/.ssh/geni_portal_key

Create an Ansible Hosts file named ansible-hosts for your slice. You can use either an IP address or an FQDN as an ssh host; if the ansible_ssh_host parameter is omitted it defaults to the name of the machine

Your ansible hosts file should look like this:

    <geni_resource_name> ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=<your_geni_username> ansible_ssh_key=~/.ssh/geni_key_portal
    <savi_resource_ip> ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_key=~/.ssh/geni_key_portal

(b) The ping module

The ping module simply tries to do a SSH login to a node and reports success or failure. Run the following command on your controller:

$ ansible nodes -i ansible-hosts -m ping

If you don’t see success everywhere then there is something wrong with your setup. Ask one of the tutorial leaders for help.

(c) The shell module

The shell module lets you run arbitrary SSH commands in parallel across a set of hosts. It’s useful for poking around, or if there is no Ansible module with the functionality you need. Try it out:

$ ansible nodes -i ansible-hosts -m shell -a "hostname"

You can replace hostname above with any other Linux command.

(d) The setup module

The setup module gathers a bunch of information about each node and saves it in variables that you can reference in your Ansible playbooks. This will be really useful to do the tutorial! Try it out on a node to see what it collects (replace <your-vm> with your hostname):

$ ansible <yourvm> -i ansible-hosts -m setup

(e) A simple playbook

Next, we will look at a simple Ansible playbook. An Ansible playbook is a YAML file containing a list of Ansible tasks. Copy the playbook below into a file called test.yaml:

- hosts: nodes
  remote_user: root
  - name: An example of a debug statement
    debug: var=ansible_hostname

Run the playbook as:

$ ansible-playbook -i ansible-hosts test.yaml

The setup module is run automatically at the beginning of a playbook to populate variables for each node. The above playbook will dump the value of each node’s ansible_hostname variable. To run the playbook on a single node, replace nodes with the name of one of your slice nodes (e.g.,

5. Create and run an Ansible playbook to install the software you'll need

Now you should have enough knowledge about Ansible to write a playbook to install the software you'll need on all the nodes. Below is a skeleton Ansible playbook that you can use. You will need to fill in the bits marked # INSERT ARGUMENTS HERE to perform the actions described in the name lines. If you get stuck at any point, you can take a look at this solution.

- hosts: nodes
  remote_user: root
  - name: Update apt cache

  - name: Install dnsutils (for dig)

  - name: Install geoip-bin (for geoiplookup)

Run this playbook on your Ansible control machine against all the nodes in your slice.

Pro Tip: use the -f argument to ansible-playbook to speed things up -- it lets you control the number of nodes to operate on in parallel, and the default is 5. Specifying -f 20 will run the playbook's tasks against all your slicelet nodes in parallel.

Next: Run Experiment

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