Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

07/15/13 14:30:44 (11 years ago)



  • GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowLoadBalancerTutorial/ExerciseLayout/Execute

    v47 v48  
    5656   - Change eth1 and eth3 to the corresponding two interfaces you found with IP address (the interface that connects to the left path) and (the interface that connects to the right path) and press the "save" icon on your !LabWiki page.
    57    - Drag the file Icon on your !LabWiki page from `Prepare` column and drop it to `Execute` column. Fill in the name of your !LabWiki experiment (this can be anything), the name of your slice (this has to be your slice name), and type "true" in the graph box to enable graph. And then press "Start Experiment" button.
     57   - Drag the `file Icon` at the left-top corner on your !LabWiki page from `Prepare` column and drop it to `Execute` column. Fill in the name of your !LabWiki experiment (this can be anything), the name of your slice (this has to be your slice name), and type "true" in the graph box to enable graph. And then press "Start Experiment" button.
    5858   - '''Note''': Do not start another experiment (i.e., drag and drop the file icon in !LabWiki and press "Start Experiment") before your current experiment is finished.
    60 == (Optional) 2.4 Fetch experimental results from your iRods account ==
     60== (Optional) 1.4 Fetch experimental results from your iRods account ==
    6161 - Log in your iRods account on, use "" as Host/IP, "1247" as Port.
    6262 - Download your experimental results from your user directory under /geniRenci/home/
    64 == 2.5 Change network delay and lossrate parameter of left path using tc and repeat the experiment ==
    65  - use the following command to change network condition on node "Switch": here we assume eth2 is the interface connecting node "Left". '''User need to use "ifconfig" to figure out the correct interface'''.
    66 {{{
    67 tc qdisc add dev eth2 root handle 1:0 netem delay 20ms loss 2%
    68 }}}
    69  - Repeat the experiment following the process described in section 2.3 (if you already log on to !LabWiki, you do not need to log out. But it is recommended to use a different experiment name every time you run an experiment on !LabWiki so that it is easy for us to debug)
     64== 1.5 Change link parameters of left path using tc and repeat the experiment ==
     65 - Log on to node "left" and change the link capacity for the interface with IP address "" (use "ifconfig" to find the correct interface, here we assume eth1 is the interface connecting to node "Switch"):
     67ovs-vsctl set Interface eth1 ingress_policing_rate=10000
     69 The above will rate-limit the connection from node "Switch" to node "left" to have a bandwidth of 10Mbps.
     71== 1.6 Repeat Experiment with limited bandwidth on Left path ==
     72 - On node "Switch", use the following command to disconnect the OpenFlow Switch from the controller:
     73 {{{
     74 ovs-vsctl del-controller br0
     75 }}}
     76 - On node "Switch", press "Ctrl" and "c" key to kill your Load Balancer process on node "Switch"
     77 - On node "Switch", start your Load Balancer using the following command:
     78 {{{
     79 /opt/trema-trema-f995284/trema run /root/load-balancer.rb
     80 }}}
     81 - On node "Switch", use the following command to connect the OpenFlow Switch to the controller:
     82 {{{
     83 ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp: ptcp:6634:
     84 }}}
     85 - Go back to your !LabWiki web page, drag and drop the `file icon` and repeat the experiment, as described in section 2.3, using a different experiment name (the slice name should stay the same).
     87 Questions:
    7088 - Did you see any difference from the graphs plotted on !LabWiki, compared with the graphs plotted in the first experiment? why?
    7189 - Check out the OpenFlow Load Balancing Controller's Log on node "Switch" at "/tmp/lb.tmp" and tell how many flows are directed to the left path and how many are on the right path, why?