
Version 2 (modified by, 12 years ago) (diff)


Definition of Statistics reported to GMOC Database

Datagroup Group of related statistics
statistic Statistic in the above datagroup being collected

FlowVisor Statistics

Datagroup/Statistic Where statistic collected Definition
flowvisor_dpid_state For each reporting DPID * On how many switch ports is the DPID reporting to this flowvisor * How many read-only and read/write flowspace rules are defined which refer to this DPID (including catchall rules that match any DPID) * How many total control messages are being received and sent to the flowvisor for this DPID (in messages/s)
flowvisor_slice_state For each defined slice * How many read-only and read/write flowspace rules are defined for this slice * How many total control messages are being received and sent to the flowvisor for this slice (in messages/s)
flowvisor_state * How many read-only and read/write flowspace rules are defined in total * How many DPIDs (virtual switches) are reporting to the flowvisor * How many slices are defined on the flowvisor (including the root slice, so there will always be at least one)
dpids How many DPIDs (virtual switches) are reporting to the flowvisor
slices How many slices are defined on the flowvisor (including the root slice, so there will always be at least one)
ro_rules How many read-only flowspace rules are defined in total
rw_rules How many read/write flowspace rules are defined in total

MyPLC Server Statistics

Datagroup/Statistic Where statistic collected Definition
plc_node_count per MyPLC server hosts How many nodes are attached to the MyPLC instance, and how many are in each state (boot, failboot, reinstall, etc)
plc_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many nodes are attached to the MyPLC instance
plc_boot_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state boot
plc_failboot_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state failboot
plc_reinstall_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state reinstall
plc_install_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state install
plc_safeboot_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state safeboot
plc_disabled_nodes per MyPLC server hosts How many are in state disabled
plc_node_state For each site how many interfaces and slivers are defined at that site
node_interfaces For each site how many interfaces are defined at that site
node_slivers For each site how many slivers are defined at that site
plc_session_count per MyPLC server hosts How many web sessions are active in the MyPLC server's UI
plc_site_count per MyPLC server hosts How many sites are affiliated with the MyPLC instance (including both local sites you have defined, and remote sites representing slice authorities trusted by this MyPLC instance)
plc_sites per MyPLC server hosts How many sites are affiliated with the MyPLC instance (including both local sites you have defined, and remote sites representing slice authorities trusted by this MyPLC instance)
plc_site_state For each site how many nodes, slices, slivers, and users are defined at that site
site_nodes For each site how many nodes are defined at that site
site_users For each site how many users are defined at that site
site_slices For each site how many slices are defined at that site
site_slivers For each site how many slivers are defined at that site
plc_slice_state For each slice how many nodes and users are included in the slice

MyPLC Node Statistics

Datagroup/Statistic Where statistic collected Definition
plnode_sliver_network For each sliver on the node How much IPv4 data is the sliver sending and receiving, in packets/s and bytes/s (this includes both control and dataplane traffic)
plnode_sliver_state For each sliver on the node * What percentage of allowed CPU, disk, and memory is that sliver using * How much total disk space and how many processes is the sliver using * What is the sliver's memory footprint * How many minutes has the sliver been alive
plnode_state For each node How many users are logged into the node
active_users For each node How many users are logged into the node