
Version 13 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


Scaling Up: How to Grow the Topology of an Existing Experiment

Instructions for the instructor of the Scaling Up tutorial to reserve the backbone.

  1. Do the same pre-work as the students.
  2. Get the request RSpec for the backbone using one of the following options:
    1. Download bkbone1.xml
    2. Generate the RSpec yourself
      1. Download bkbone1.txt to your local machine.
      2. Run the scaleup tool to generate bkbone1.xml:
        geni-lib/tools/scaleup/ -r bkbone1.txt
  3. Reserve bkbone1.xml using the GENI Portal or For the purpose of these instructions we assume these resources are reserved in slice bkbone1.
  4. When all three nodes in the topology are ready, test connectivity between nodes.
    1. Login to web1 and ping
    2. Login to rt2 and ping
  5. Download lan_options.json and lan_option_stitch0.json
  6. Share a VLAN at each of the three sites:
    omni -V 3 -a wisconsin-ig poa bkbone1 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options.json
    omni -V 3 -a illinois-ig poa bkbone1 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options.json
    omni -V 3 -a stanford-ig poa bkbone1 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options_stitch0.json

Extra Backbone

Note: Being tested

  1. Download bkbone2.txt, create bkbone2.xml, and reserve the topology in a different slice (we'll called it bkbone2).
  2. When all three nodes in the topology are ready, test connectivity between nodes.
    1. Login to web1 and ping
    2. Login to rt2 and ping
  3. Share a VLAN at each of the three sites:
    omni -V 3 -a gpo-ig poa bkbone2 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options.json 
    omni -V 3 -a nysernet-ig poa bkbone2 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options.json 
    omni -V 3 -a missouri-ig poa bkbone2 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options_stitch0.json