= Module E: Add flow statistics = == 1.1 !OpenFlow Statistics Measurement == ofcollect.rb {{{ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'oml4r' require 'file-tail' APPNAME = "ofstats" class MPThroughput < OML4R::MPBase name :ofthroughput param :pathtype, :type => :string param :numflows, :type => :int64 param :numbytes, :type => :int64 param :numpacket, :type => :int64 param :throughput, :type => :int64 param :units, :type => :string param :instput, :type => :int64 param :units2, :type => :string end class OFStatsWrapper def initialize(args) @addr = nil @if_num = ' ' @trema_port = ' ' @trema_path = ' ' @verbose = true @numeric = ' ' OML4R::init(args, :appName => "#{APPNAME}_wrapper", :domain => 'foo', :collect => 'file:-') { |argParser| argParser.banner = "Reports OpenFlow stat measurements via OML\n\n" argParser.on("-f" , "--file_path ADDRESS", "Path where output is saved"){ |address| @addr = address } argParser.on("-i","--interface IFNUM","Interface number"){ |if_num| @if_num ="#{if_num.to_i()}" } argParser.on("-q", "--no-quiet ","Don't show of stats output on console"){ @verbose = false } argParser.on("-n", "--[no]-numeric ", "No attempt twill be made to look up symbolic names for host addresses"){ @numeric ='-n' } } unless @addr !=nil raise "You did not specify path of file (-p option)" end end class MyFile < File include File::Tail end def start() log = MyFile.new("#{@addr}") log.interval = @if_num log.backward(10) puts "#{@if_num}" log.tail { |line| print line processOutput(line) } end def processOutput(output) column = output.split(" ") puts "Each line process" # Inject the measurements into OML MPThroughput.inject("#{column[0]}", column[1], column[2], column[3], column[4], "#{column[5]}", column[6], "#{column[7]}") end end begin app = OFStatsWrapper.new(ARGV) app.start() rescue SystemExit rescue SignalException puts "OFWrapper stopped." rescue Exception => ex puts "Error - When executing the wrapper application!" puts "Error - Type: #{ex.class}" puts "Error - Message: #{ex}\n\n" # Uncomment the next line to get more info on errors # puts "Trace - #{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" end OML4R::close() # Local Variables: # mode:ruby # End: # vim: ft=ruby:sw=2 }}} OEDL script {{{ defProperty('source1', "nowcastbox-sdxdemo", "ID of a resource") defProperty('intervalcol',"1", "Interval to Tail") defProperty('pathfile', "/tmp/flowstats.out", "Path to file") defApplication('ofstats') do |app| app.description = 'Simple Definition for the of-collect application' # Define the path to the binary executable for this application app.binary_path = '/usr/local/bin/ofcollect.rb' app.defProperty('target', 'Address to output file', '-f', {:type => :string}) app.defProperty("interval","Interval",'-i', {:type => :string}) app.defMeasurement('wrapper_ofthroughput') do |m| m.defMetric(':pathtype', :string) m.defMetric('throughput',:int64) m.defMetric('instput',:int64) end end defGroup('Source1', property.source1) do |node| node.addApplication("ofstats") do |app| app.setProperty('target', property.pathfile) app.setProperty('interval', property.intervalcol) app.measure('wrapper_ofthroughput', :samples => 1) end end onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) do |event| info "Starting the collect" after 2 do group('Source1').startApplications end after 800 do info "Stopping the collect" allGroups.stopApplications Experiment.done end end defGraph 'Throughput' do |g| g.ms('wrapper_ofthroughput').select(:oml_ts_client, :throughput, :pathtype) g.caption "Throughput of Flows" g.type 'line_chart3' g.mapping :x_axis => :oml_ts_client, :y_axis => :throughput, :group_by => :pathtype g.xaxis :legend => 'oml_ts' g.yaxis :legend => 'Throughput', :ticks => {:format => 's'} end defGraph 'InstantaneousThroughput' do |g| g.ms('wrapper_ofthroughput').select(:oml_ts_client, :instput, :pathtype) g.caption "Throughput of Flows" g.type 'line_chart3' g.mapping :x_axis => :oml_ts_client, :y_axis => :instput, :group_by => :pathtype g.xaxis :legend => 'oml_ts' g.yaxis :legend => 'Instantaneous Throughput', :ticks => {:format => 's'} end }}} [wiki:GEC20Agenda/LabWiki LabWiki Tutorial]