[[PageOutline]] = [wiki:GEC19Agenda#ConferenceAgenda GEC19] Developers Topics = At this developers session, we will hear updates about several issues relating to developing GENI tools, aggregates and clearinghouses, and standardizing aggregate behavior. Specific topics may include the status updates on Uniform Federation API, Speaks For, ABAC, and proposed and adopted [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT changes to the Aggregate Manager API]. This session will begin conversations that will be continued at the [wiki:GEC19Agenda/CodingSprintTutoring Coding Sprint] session. == Schedule == Wednesday 9am - 11am == Session Leaders == {{{ #!html
Marshall Brinn
Tom Mitchell
Aaron Helsinger
}}} == Agenda / Details == This agenda is provisional and subject to change. 1. The [wiki:UniformClearinghouseAPIV2 Uniform Federation API] and Common Aggregate Manager API efforts; Status, Plans and Benefits 2. Stitching is Here; How Can We Improve It? (Aaron Helsinger, GENI Project Office) - Standard Error Codes - Support VLAN tag negotiation - through AM API v3? - Better Tool Support - Stitching all nodes at an Aggregate to the same inter-AM VLAN 3. TSM; Tools to Scale up Experiments (Marshall Brinn, GENI Project Office) 4. Speaks For: Status of Roll Out and Plans (Tom Mitchell, GENI Project Office) 5. ABAC Support; Status, Plans and Benefits (Marshall Brinn, GENI Project Office) 6. The GENI Aggregate Manager API; Ratify and Discuss Changes (Aaron Helsinger, GENI Project Office) - Changes to Ratify: [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetN:AddinformationtoGetVersion N], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetO:Refinecharacterrestrictions O], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetP:SupportproxyclientsthatSpeakForanexperimenter P], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetQ:Supportchangingusersandkeysonexistingcomputeslivers Q] - Changes to Discuss: [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetT:LongLivedSlices Long Lived Slices], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetS:MoreinfofromGetVersion AM URN in GetVersion], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetV:CreateandManageDiskImages Managing Disk Images], [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT#ChangeSetAB:CaseSensitivity Case Sensitivity]