Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Experiment2

10/22/13 06:13:58 (11 years ago)



  • GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Experiment2

    v11 v12  
    3030[[Image(wiki:GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:execute_on.png, 76)]]
    32  For help on all actions regarding !LabWiki, please refer to the [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Introduction previous page]
     32For help on all actions regarding !LabWiki, please refer to the [wiki:GEC18Agenda/LabWikiAndOEDL/Introduction previous page]
     34'''The OEDL experiment description'''
    3436 1. First, if you have not done it yet, login into !LabWiki
    177179    }}}
    179 Walk-through the above OEDL experiment description:
    181    * Here we define some experiment properties, which will allow us to parameterize the values for the slice, the resources, and the application settings used in the experiment. As mentioned earlier, these values may be customized for each experiment run. We further declare variables (internal to the experiment descriptions), which facilitate our specific use of properties within this given experiment example.
     181'''Walk-through the above OEDL experiment description'''
     183 1. Here we define some experiment properties, which will allow us to parameterize the values for the slice, the resources, and the application settings used in the experiment. As mentioned earlier, these values may be customized for each experiment run. Compared to the previous first simple experiment, here we further declare variables (internal to the experiment descriptions), which facilitate our specific use of properties within this given experiment example.
    182184 {{{
    183185defProperty('slice', 'oedl-', "slice name")
    188190 }}}
    189    * Below we declare the applications that we will use in this experiment. The first two applications are bundles of command lines which ensure that no processes or created files from previous experiment runs remain. The third application is the !BitTorrent we use. The following application is the modified and instrumented !BitTorrent prototype which we would like to evaluate. Finally the last application is the instrumented VLC player, which we will use to assess the efficiency of the prototype.
     191 2. Then we declare the applications that we will use in this experiment. Similar to the previous first experiment, we use the defApplication for these declarations.The first two applications are bundles of command lines which ensure that no processes or created files from previous experiment runs remain. The third application is the !BitTorrent we use. The following application is the modified and instrumented !BitTorrent prototype which we would like to evaluate. Finally the last application is the instrumented VLC player, which we will use to assess the efficiency of the prototype.
    190192 {{{
    191193defApplication('clean_all') do |app|
    199 defApplication('bttrack') do |app|
    200 ..
    201 end
    203 defApplication('transmission_daemon') do |app|
    204 ...
    205 end
    207 defApplication('vlc') do |app|
    208 ...
    209 end
    210  }}}
     201 }}}
     202 3. Compared to the previous experiment, here we are setting the attribute ''quiet'' of the application to ''true''. This tells the resource controller which starts and monitors the application to log any application outputs locally, thus they will not be reported in !Labwiki's Execute column.
     203 {{{
     204defApplication('clean_all') do |app|
     205   ...
     206  app.quiet = true
     208 }}}
     209 4. We follow with the definition of the groups of resources, which we will use in this experiment
     210   * tracker: this group includes a single resource, which will act as the BitTorrent tracker for the other resources. We associate a ''bttrack'' application to this group, and set the parameter properties for that application.
     211   * seeder: this group holds the resources which will seed the video content to the other resources. Thus it has a transmission daemon application associated to it, with the correct parameter set.
     212   * leecher: this group contains the resources which will download the video content from other peers. It also has an associated transmission daemon application.
     213   * player: this group has the same resources as the previous leecher groups and differs only by its associated application, which in this case is the VLC player, configured with the URI of the video content to play.
     214   * allresources: this group includes all resources used in this experiment, and is used to make sure that any previous application instances from previous experiment runs are terminated at the beginning of this particular run.
     215   * all_leechers: this groups contains the same resources as the leecher group, and is used to ensure that no previously downloaded content remains on these peers before they start their current download.
     216 {{{
     217defGroup('tracker', *tracker) do |g|
     218  ...
     221defGroup('seeder', *seeder) do |g|
     222  ...
     225 }}}
     226 5. We then define the tasks to perform when all the resources and declared applications in all the defined groups are ready.
     227   * tracker: this group includes a single resource, which will act as the BitTorrent tracker for the other resources. We associate a ''bttrack'' application to this group, and set the parameter properties for that application.
     228   * seeder: this group holds the resources which will seed the video content to the other resources. Thus it has a transmission daemon application associated to it, with the correct parameter set.
     229   * leecher: this group contains the resources which will download the video content from other peers. It also has an associated transmission daemon application.