

Realistic, Reproducible Experiments on GENI using Tmix


Sunday, 10:30am - noon

Session Leaders

Jay Aikat
U. of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill

Agenda / Details


There are no prerequisites to attend this session. This session is a presentation and discussion in two parts: (i) the experimentation process and (ii) traffic generation for realistic and reproducible experiments using the Tmix system. In part (i) we will cover the process of experimentation, experimental design considerations, the experiment cycle, inputs, outputs, measurements, and metrics. In part (ii) we will focus on traffic generation, and how to use the Tmix traffic generation system for your experiments.

This session has no hands-on component. Anyone is welcome.

Please note:

This sessions serves as a prerequisite for the hands-on session on Tmix (

Tutorial materials

Instructions: Slides:

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 06/25/13 10:23:32