[[PageOutline]] = Software on the GEC16 Tutorial VM = == Software Installed by the InstaGENI/GEMINI Tutorial == === Updated packages === {{{ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade }}} === Miscellaneous packaged needed for GEMINI === {{{ sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto python-dateutil python-openssl libxmlsec1 xmlsec1 libxmlsec1-openssl libxmlsec1-dev openjdk-7-jdk git python-M2Crypto python-paramiko sharutils ntp libncurses-dev build-essential bison flex python-lxml sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev libtool automake python-dev sudo apt-get install yap swig }}} === Installed strongswan === {{{ cd ~/Downloads wget http://download.strongswan.org/strongswan-4.6.4.tar.bz2 bunzip2 strongswan-4.6.4.tar.bz2 tar -xvf strongswan-4.6.4.tar cd strongswan-4.6.4/ ./configure --enable-monolithic --disable-gmp --enable-openssl cd src/libstrongswan/ make && sudo make install }}} === Installed ABAC === {{{ cd ~/Downloads wget http://abac.deterlab.net/src/abac-0.2.3.tgz cd abac/ STRONGSWAN_SRC_DIR=~/Downloads/strongswan-4.6.4 STRONGSWAN_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib/ipsec export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/ ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-strongswan=$STRONGSWAN_SRC_DIR --with-strongswan-ld-path=$STRONGSWAN_LIB_DIR vi libabac/abac_util.c make sudo make install vi /usr/local/etc/strongswan.conf }}} === Cloned GEMINI git repository === {{{ mkdir ~/src cd ~/src git clone https://github.com/GENI-GEMINI/UW.git GEMINI mkdir ~/GEC16\ Tutorials/GEMINI cd ~/GEC16\ Tutorials/GEMINI ln -s ~/src/GEMINI/geminiv2 common }}} === Installed credentials for gemini01-gemini15 in ~/GEC16\ Tutorials/GEMINI === === Installed GSI === {{{ cd src tar -zxvf /tmp/irodsGSIinstall/gt5.2.2-all-source-installer.tar.gz sudo apt-get install libltdl-dev sudo mkdir /usr/local/globus sudo chmod a+w /usr/local/globus cd gt5.2.2-all-source-installer/ export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/globus ./configure --prefix $GLOBUS_LOCATION make globus-gsi cd /usr/local/globus/include/globus ln -s gcc32dbg/globus_config.h export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib }}} === Installed iRODS 3.2 === {{{ cd ~/src tar -zxvf /tmp/irodsGSIinstall/irods3.2.tgz cd iRODS ./irodssetup Include additional prompts for advanced settings [no]? no Build an iRODS server [yes]? no Include GSI [no]? yes GLOBUS_LOCATION [/usr/local/globus]? /usr/local/globus GSI Install Type to use (or 'none')? globus Include Kerberos [no]? no Include the NCCS Auditing extensions [no]? no Save configuration (irods.config) [yes]? yes Start iRODS build [yes]? yes }}} === Installed CA certificates === {{{ mkdir ~/.globus cd ~/.globus tar -zxvf /tmp/irodsGSIinstall/geniCAbundle.tgz cd certificates for i in `ls *.0`;do hash=`basename ${i} .0`;rm $hash.signing_policy;rm $hash.0;done /tmp/irodsGSIinstall/genhashes.sh }}} === Set up bash environment for iRODS/GSI === {{{ echo 'export PATH=/home/geni/src/iRODS/clients/icommands/bin:$PATH' >> /home/geni/.bashrc echo 'export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/globus' >> /home/geni/.bashrc echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib' >> /home/geni/.bashrc }}} === Installed other misc tools === * vim * screen * emacs * apache2 == Software Installed by the ExoGENI/GIMI Tutorial == == Software Installed by the Portal Tutorial == == Software Installed by the Advanced Experiments Tutorial ==