
Version 14 (modified by, 11 years ago) (diff)


Advanced Networking Experiments


In this tutorial we are going to run more advanced experimentes in GENI.

Before we start with the Omni tutorial, please follow these steps:
  1. Login to the VM
  2. Run Firefox
  3. Open all bookmarks under the AdvancedExperiments bookmark folder
  4. Login to the GENI Portal using either:
    • your personal account if you have already created one
    • a temporary account for this tutorial
  5. Join the Project GEC16AdvNetw
  6. Open a terminal window


There are three exercises in these tutorial:

  1. Intro to Omni. This is the experiment we will do all together. It is a very simple experiment to get you familiar with the command line Omni tool.
  2. Click Experiment. In this experiment you are going to use click software routers to write your own non-IP router and route your packets in a multipath topology.
  3. Tmix Tutorial. In this experiment you are going to use OpenFlow to deflect traffic from a remote server to a local one.

Wrap up

Congratulations, you have finished the tutorial! Now you are ready to design and run your own experiments. Don't hesitate to email us with any questions you might have.

Fill out the tutorial survey

We love to hear what you think so that we can improve the tutorials in the future. Please complete the survey and get a temporary GENI tatoo!

Get Your Own Account

If you have used a temporary account, please go ahead and request for a permanent account, following these instructions and start using GENI.