
Version 1 (modified by Ahmed El-Hassany, 12 years ago) (diff)

Initial Version

Instructions for using the GEC15 Tutorial VM for GEMINI

Logging in

Login information for the VM will be provided at the beginning of the tutorial.

Once you are on the VM, you can access the credentials directly in the directory: /home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI.
There is a directory for each user. The ssh directory contains the certificates and keys.

You will be assigned a username and password at the beginning of the tutorial.

SSL Key/Password Configuration

The script requires password-less access to the nodes. Follow these steps to set this up.

  1. Place your GENI password in the file /home/geni/.ssl/password
  2. Add your ssh key to the ssh-agent by running the command (replacing geminiXX with your username):
    $ ssh-add /home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI/geminiXX/ssh/geminiXX_key

Updating the code

You can get the latest scripts, configuration, and rspec files by changing to the GEMINI common directory and doing a git pull:

$ cd ~/Tutorials/GEMINI/common
$ git pull

Creating the slice

  • Flack: log in as the tutorial user that you chose
    (don't forget to log into the SA first: There are bookmarks for both in the Firefox toolbar.
  • OMNI: cd to the directory for your user (~/Tutorials/GEMINI/<username>)
    You can run omni commands directly from here and it will use the omni_config in that directory.
  • Protogeni test scripts: you can find them in /opt/protogeni.
    Use the -f option to specify the path to the certificate (/home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI/<username>/ssh/<username>.pem)

Running instrumentize script

  • Make sure you have the most up-to-date scripts (see Updating the code above).
  • Run from the directory /home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI/common specifying your GENI certificate and the slice name.
$ -f /home/geni/Tutorials/GEMINI/geminiXX/ssh/geminiXX.pem -n geminiXXslice

Accessing the portal

Before accessing the portal, add your certificate to the browser using these instructions

Using iRODS (Not needed for the GEMINI tutorial)

Before using iRODS, you will need to configure /home/geni/.irods/.irodsEnv.

Copy the template at /home/geni/.irods/geminiIrodsEnv and replace gimiXX with your tutorial username.

You can then run iinit to store the password so you are not prompted each time.


Notify if you run into any issues.