=== RSpec === ==== Organizer ==== Aaron Helsinger, ''GENI Project Office'' ==== Time ==== Wed 1:00 - 2:30 pm ==== Dial In ==== 866-453-5550 Participant pin: 6513886# ==== Description ==== In order to truly allow interoperability among multiple control frameworks and aggregates, GENI requires a common language for describing resources, resource requests, and reservations - a single, well defined RSpec schema. The community will discuss progress on adopting common ontologies for GENI resources, and making aggregates speak ProtoGENI V2 RSpecs as the GENI Rspec format. ==== Agenda ==== * Introduction and Status - Aaron Helsinger (20 minutes) [attachment:RSpecs-intro.pdf slides] * GEC10 Review * AM API Draft Revisions * GENI RSpecs rollout status and experiences * Future Work * RSpec Translator - Ilia Baldine (5 minutes) * Network and Compute Ontologies - Ilia Baldine (15 minutes) * Description * Adoption * Invited Viewpoints on Ontologies * Max Ott (10 minutes) * Hongwei Zhang (10 minutes) [attachment:GEC11-compute-ontology.pptx slides] * Mike Zink (10 minutes) [attachment:Storage-RSpec.ppt slides] * Discussion - All (10 minutes) * Conclusion - Aaron Helsinger (10 minutes) [attachment:RSpecs-Summary.pdf slides] ==== Background Reading ==== * [wiki:GeniRspec RSpecs Design Activities] * ProtoGENI RSpecs description: https://www.protogeni.net/trac/protogeni/wiki/RSpec * Proposed AM API Changes to support requesting specific RSpec formats: [wiki:GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT AM API V2 Draft] * [attachment:ComputeOntology-071411.pdf Proposed Compute Resources ontology for GENI] {{{ #!comment network ontology, compute ontology, OF extension, stitching extension }}} * Orca NDL-OWL Models and RSpecs: https://geni-orca.renci.org/trac/wiki/NDL-OWL * Orca NDL-OWL Converter: http://geni-test.renci.org:11080/ndl-conversion/convert.jsp