Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of AaronHelsinger/GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT

03/22/12 16:35:29 (12 years ago)
Aaron Helsinger



  • AaronHelsinger/GAPI_AM_API_DRAFT

    v14 v15  
    548548== Change Set F5: Sliver Operational States ==
    549 Currently, geni_status in SliverStatus can have values `configuring`, `ready`, `failed`, `unknown`.
     549Currently, geni_status in !SliverStatus can have values `configuring`, `ready`, `failed`, `unknown`.
    551551This proposal expands that list, and renames those to use the standard 'geni_' prefix.
    555555Proposed GENI sliver operational states:
    557 `geni_notready`: IE after the resource has been provisioned, but before doing `geni_start`
    558 `geni_configuring`: IE after doing `geni_start`, but before it is fully ready.
    559 `geni_busy`: The sliver is busy changing states. Could be eg after calling `geni_stop`, and before that completes.
    560 `geni_ready`: the resource is fully ready for experimenter use
    561 `geni_failed`: Something went wrong with the resource. Like it failed to boot. The sliver is unusable, and an operator must intervene.
    562 `geni_unknown`: The AM cannot determine the state of the resource. The sliver state may become known, or may require an operator to intervene.
    563 `geni_mixed`: For use only in reporting operational state of the full slice at an aggregate, when some resources are ready, and some are notready.
    564 `geni_shutdown`: The sliver has been 'shutdown'. EG it has been brought down to a safe boot mode, where it can be inspected but not used.
     557 - `geni_notready`: IE after the resource has been provisioned, but before doing `geni_start`
     558 - `geni_configuring`: IE after doing `geni_start`, but before it is fully ready.
     559 - `geni_busy`: The sliver is busy changing states. Could be eg after calling `geni_stop`, and before that completes.
     560 - `geni_ready`: the resource is fully ready for experimenter use
     561 - `geni_failed`: Something went wrong with the resource. Like it failed to boot. The sliver is unusable, and an operator must intervene.
     562 - `geni_unknown`: The AM cannot determine the state of the resource. The sliver state may become known, or may require an operator to intervene.
     563 - `geni_mixed`: For use only in reporting operational state of the full slice at an aggregate, when some resources are ready, and some are notready.
     564 - `geni_shutdown`: The sliver has been 'shutdown'. EG it has been brought down to a safe boot mode, where it can be inspected but not used.
    566566= Adopted: Change Set G: Credentials are general authorization tokens. =