Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1254 fixed ARCCN Demorpheus: Shellcode Detection in High-Speed Network Channels

Demo description paragraph (three sentence minimum):

ARCCN demo for Gaivoronsky.

In this presentation we propose an approach and hybrid shellcode detection method, aimed at early detection and filtering of unknown 0-days exploits at the network level. The proposed approach allows us to summarize capabilities of shellcode detection algorithms developed over the last ten years into an optimal classifier. The proposed approach allows us to reduce total false-positives rate to almost zero, provides full coverage of shellcode classes detected by individual classifiers, and significantly increases total throughput of detectors. Evaluation with shellcode datasets, including Metasploit Framework plain-text, encrypted and obfuscated shellcodes, benign Windows and Linux binaries, random (normal) data and multimedia shows that hybrid data-flow classifier significantly boosts analysis throughput for benign data - up to 45 times faster than linear combination of classifiers, and almost 1.5 times faster for shellcode datasets. We also give a tool demonstration.

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor):

1 laptop, 1 monitor

Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists equipment.

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections):

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): Specify VLAN number, if known, approximate bandwidth, and whether tagged or untagged.

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant):


Number of static addresses needed (if any):

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI):


Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions.

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"):


Special requests: Include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. VLANs to a particular GENI location, projects you'd like to be near, etc.)

#1438 invalid ARCCN: Key Research Findings

One-sentence layman's description:

Example: This demo will present the key research findings of ARCCN in the Software-Define networking area. Findings include SDN simulation, SDN verification, virtualization in DC, MP-TCP in SDN, SDN Controller, SDN Wifi.

Who should see this demo? Example: Attendees interested in SDN and traditional networks should see presentations, videos, and be able to ask the presenter questions.

Demo description paragraph(s):

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor): Monitor (42’(better) or 32’).

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections): 1

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): 0

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): 1

Number of static addresses needed (if any): 0

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI): y VGA

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30» x 40"): 1

Special requests:


PI Ruslan Smeliansky of ARCCN is sole demo attendee. Request made by Vitaly Antonenko on Ruslan's behalf.

#1252 fixed ARCCN Network Prototype Simulator

Demo description paragraph (three sentence minimum):

ARCCN demo for Antonenko.

Network Prototyping Simulator is a simulation system that expands Mininet network emulator to computer cluster. That allow us to reproduce the network with such an amount of nodes that hardly was possible before. The maximum size of network topology in NPS depends on number of cluster nodes with Mininet instances. One cluster node can emulate more than thousand hosts, and an modern server could execute at least 15 cluster nodes packed in virtual machines. As the result, we get about 15 thousands hosts per server. The scalability of NPS makes it possible to emulate really big networks.

By the architecture, NPS saves features of Mininet, so it does not become a clear simulation system, it remains a network prototyping system. Means one could trust the results of such simulation and there is no need to prove correctness and adequacy of the model built.

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor):

1 laptop, 1 monitor

Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists equipment.

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections):

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): Specify VLAN number, if known, approximate bandwidth, and whether tagged or untagged.

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant):


Number of static addresses needed (if any):

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI):


Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions.

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"):


Special requests: Include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. VLANs to a particular GENI location, projects you'd like to be near, etc.)

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.