Milestone iGENI: S4.c Demonstrations at GEC13 and Experimenter Outreach

12 years late (03/15/12 00:00:00)

  • Add traffic monitoring to dedicated iGENI/GENI switches that provide L2 (VLAN) connections between GENI transport resources or aggregates, and forward monitoring information for display to the local operator (Northwestern) and to the GMOC. Consider approaches currently used by other networks, e.g. GLORIAD.
  • Review the first draft of a plan for the design, configuration, implementation and operation of long-term iGENI infrastructure
  • ORCA infrastructure performance monitoring demo: obtain a slice within the ORCA Cluster using resources stitched from multiple ORCA sites, install LAMP/perfSONAR network performance monitoring software in the slice, evaluate network performance, and register data for use by operators and experimenters.
Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.