Milestone WiMAX: 1a Delivery of two NEC Release 1 802.16e base stations

Completed 16 years ago (10/20/08 11:22:31)


Total number of tickets: 1 - closed: 1 - active: 0


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1a) Delivery of two NEC Release 1 802.16e base stations with open API for use as the platform for GBSN development at WINLAB and NEC Laboratories, Princeton (3mo)

Verified on January 14, 2009: Two NEC Release 1 802.16e (WiMAX) base stations were delivered, on loan from Stanford, on October 20, 2008; two more were ordered in October, and delivery is expected 2/10/09; when received, will send first two back to Stanford; overall, no delays in project

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.