Milestone ProtoGENI: control plane integration of cluster-mates

Completed 15 years ago (09/29/09 15:09:11)


Total number of tickets: 1 - closed: 1 - active: 0


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Work with other groups and projects to work towards integration of the following into the evolving ProtoGENI testbed:

ProtoGENI programmable backbone nodes;
Programmable host clusters at Univ Utah;
VINI-specific features;
Residential wireless access network ("Homenet") at CMU;
Programmable host cluster at CMU;
Wireless propagation emulator at CMU;
Instrumentation and measurement tools from Kentucky

Completed: all cluster-mates have indicated they have sufficient integration support for their Spiral 1 commitments.

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.