Custom Query (39 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Milestone Component Priority
#9 Sliver with 6 nodes is created, but only 2 show up in sliver listresources (manifest) reopened somebody AM major
#60 Nodes that are part of expired slices can be accessed when sliver is expired. new somebody AM major
#87 User credentials incorrectly sufficient for local sliver creator assigned AM major
#89 User with valid slice credential cannot delete slivers created by another user an on the same slice. new somebody AM major
#91 exogeni dataplane switch configs are not being polled by subversion new Administration major
#92 exogeni dataplane switch configs lack important metadata new Administration major
#106 references to incorrect/missing paths new somebody AM major
#110 SSH Keys: The keys of only one user are installed in the nodes new somebody AM major
#116 Allow Flack: Install Flash Socket Security Policy Server new somebody AM major
#130 Sliver fails with "Exception during join for unit: DD201E11 " new somebody Experiment major
#134 "Error during join for unit" reported vy 11 nodes while setting up 10 Slivers w/10 VMs test new somebody Experiment major
#135 BBN SM not responding after 48 VM request new somebody AM major
#142 unable to exchange Iperf tcp traffic between BT and VM in GPO rack new somebody Experiment major
#143 ExoGENI Rack Administrative procedure for Emergency Stop - Documentation requirement new somebody EG-ADM-7 Administration major
#144 ExoGENI Software Components Identification Documentation - Documentation requirement new somebody EG-ADM-7 Administration major
#145 ExoGENI Rack Administrative procedure for user accounts - Documentation Requirement new EG-ADM-7 Administration major
#147 ExoGENI Rack Resources Administration - Documentation requirement new somebody EG-ADM-7 Administration major
#149 ExoGENI Rack Resources Usage and Policy Documentation - Documentation requirement new somebody EG-ADM-7 Administration major
#152 Should remove the workaround for sliver expiration set to two weeks later than slice expiration new somebody AM major
#153 geni_sliver_info show the same time for creation and expiration new somebody AM major
#155 Sliver reports "Nascent" state 30 minutes after createsliver new somebody Experiment major
#156 Re-creating an expired sliver brings back expired resources new somebody AM major
#160 sliverstatus prevents deletesliver for sliver which has failed at createsliver time new somebody Experiment major
#161 Shared VLANs should be reserved by labels instead of VLAN IDs new somebody AM major
#169 request of type "raw-pc" gives a VM new somebody AM major
#179 Noticable delay between sliver ready and interfaces being configured on allocated node new somebody Experiment major
#180 Support rebooting VMs new somebody AM major
#183 Missing image descriptions in new somebody Experiment major
#184 getversion does not list stitching extension for request rspecs new somebody AM major
#185 Listresources geni_compress should default to false new somebody AM major
#186 Renew sliver error is not very clear new somebody AM major
#190 ExoSM Aggregate does not catch ticket update failure for unavailable resources in manifest new somebody AM major
#191 ExoGENI Compute Aggregates do not have any data for Slivers in GMOC reopened somebody AM major
#193 stitching sliver with 2 link on 1 VM fails with NDL exception new somebody AM major
#196 GENI NEtwork Stitching Advertisement for GPO EG VLAN Ranges is incorrect new somebody AM major
#199 Unable to set up expected count for stitched slivers between GPO EG and GPO IG. new somebody Experiment major
#200 Request for bare metal to local SM should fail, as bare metal is only available via ExoSM new somebody Experiment major
#201 OSF FOAM aggreate not reporting to GMOC new somebody Monitoring major
#202 There is no StarLight FOAM aggregate in GMOC Monitoring new somebody Monitoring major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.